How to make a Name Tag in Minecraft?

How to make a Name Tag in Minecraft?
Minecraft has many items that the players can make in the game, but there are also some that cannot be made! The Name Tag in Minecraft is one such item and we learn down below about all its sepcifications.
The Name Tag in Minecraft is a item that can only be obtained through various means in the game. This means that the Name Tag cannot be crafted by any means in Minecraft as of now.
Down below are all the features of the Name Tag.
Name Tag in Minecraft

The Name Tag in Minecraft is a item that is used to name mobs like your pets, farm animals and even some villagers, so that they do not despawn naturally.
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How to get a Name Tag?
The Name Tag cannot be obtain through crafting and therefore players need to find it in the world. They can naturally be found through the following means:
Nametags are found in Chests from Dungeons, Mineshafts, Woodland Mansions and even Buried Treasures!
Payers have a small chance of getting a Name Tag while fishing. This is treasure tier loot and is very rare. However, this can be improved by the Luck of the Sea Enchantment on the Fishing Rod.
Players can also trade them from master-level librarian Villagers, who sell a Name Tag for 20 Emeralds.
How to use a Name Tag?

- Players need to first put it in an Anvil and set the name for the Name tag.
- After this it will consume some EXP and the Name Tag becomes active.
- Players can take the Name Tag in their Main hand and click on any mob that they want to name, to make the mob a Named mob. These will not despawn.
Players can name any mob other than the Ender Dragon and other players.
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