How to use Gloo Walls effectively in Garena Free Fire like a pro?

Free Fire offers an extensive collection of unique in-game elements and Gloo wall is one of them. They can be used for both aggressive gameplay and passive gameplay as well. Here we will discuss how to use Gloo Walls effectively in Garena Free Fire.
As mentioned above, you can use gloo wall for aggressive gameplay, you can rush onto your opponents by using gloo walls. If you opt for slow-paced gameplay, you can use Gloo walls when you are stuck in an intense combat situation. For those who don’t know, Gloo Wall is deployed using a grenade of its kind, and it is used as a protective shield. If you can use them effectively as a pro does, you can easily win any type of fight. But mastering this item is quite hard, but can be eased with the help of some guidance and tips, which this article will focus on.
Here are few tips that can definitely help in using Gloo walls in Free Fire Effectively.
Use Gloo Walls effectively in Garena Free Fire like a pro
Using Fake Gloo Wall Placement
This trick is more common in competitive matches and is super effective. Otherwise, you can place multiple gloo walls side by side with a small distance in between. Opponents could not know your positions behind the gloo wall. You can slowly slide into the other gloo wall(cover) and give them a surprise attack.
Deploy while in crouch position
Most of the Free Fire players use gloo walls while in the standing position. Deploying Gloo Walls while in crouch position may be used to create the ideal Gloo Wall. As the adversary would not anticipate you to be in a crouching position, this will allow you to withdraw from an enemy push faster. to be in a crouch position.
Double Gloo Wall

You cannot change the height of your cover(gloo wall) and you are giving the edge to your opponent so that he can pick an easy headshot. The better solution for this is to be in crouch positions otherwise you will get frustrated. But, if you have an extra gloo wall just use it on the top of the other Gloo wall so that you can be in a safe spot.
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Increase the size of Gloo wall button

Free Fire Players will be terrified while getting shot by opponents. Alternatively, they can use Gloo wall instantly to take cover. But if they could not find the gloo wall button, they will get even more panic. The best solution for this is to increase the size of the buttons and place it in a handy position. Customize your layout so that you can get your hands quicker on it.
Block your opponent

When the zone shrinks and fights get more intense. If your opponent is taking cover in a house at the corner and he would definitely use a gloo wall to take cover from you or your squad. You can place other gloo walls on him so that he gets blocked and stuck in it. Simply throw a grenade and get an easy kill.
Practice more and more in combat training. Learn to use the gloo walls effectively to make the most out of this item in your ranked matches or custom room matches.
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