KAYO interactions with Agents: How “suppress” affect All Agents

KAYO interactions with Agents: How “suppress” affect All Agents

KAYO interactions with Agents

“The new Agent is coming soon enough, and we’re looking forward to seeing what you think when they finally say hello!” The article speaks all Valorant Kayo, the 16th agent, and all his abilities and KAYO interactions with Agents.

KAYO Suppress Ability

KAYO is the new agent in Valorant. Suppress is not a dedicated ability of KAYO it is more like a buff like “Invulnerability” of Killjoy’s alarm bot and Viper’s snake bites. This stops enemy agents from using any ability.

If any enemy agent gets suppressed, they will have a purple triangle mark on their body, indicating that they can not use any abilities.

FS Video

If you get suppressed by an enemy KAYO, you will have a purple transparent section on the bottom of your screen.

KAYO Suppress Ability
KAYO Suppress Ability – KAYO interactions with Agents

KAYO interactions with Agents

On paper it says “Suppress” will disable all abilities but in reality that is not totally true. Here are KAYO interactions with Agents:

1. Brimstone

  • Stim Beacon will get disabled.
  • Can’t initiate molly, smokes, orbital strike
  • If molly, smokes, orbital strike deployed or fired before getting suppressed, they will act as they usually do.


  • Poison Cloud and Toxic Screen will be disabled.
  • Can’t initiate snake bite.
  • If snake bite fired before getting suppressed, they will act as they usually do.
  • It will not affect if already in Ultimate.


  • Can not use any abilities.
  • All abilities will act as they usually do if fired before getting suppressed.

4. Killjoy

  • Can not use any abilities.
  • The alarm bot and Turret will get disabled.
  • Can not activate swarm grenades.
  • Lockdown will act as it usually does if fired before getting suppressed.

5. Cypher

  • Spycam, Tripwire, Cybercage will be disabled.
  • Ultimate will act as it usually does if fired before getting suppressed.

6. Sova

  • Owl drone will get destroyed.
  • Can not use shock dart or recon bolt.
  • If a shock dart or recon bolt gets fired before getting suppressed, they will act as they usually do.
  • Ultimate will stop.

7. Sage

  • Can not use any abilities.
  • All abilities will act as they usually do if fired before getting suppressed.

8. Pheonix

  • Can not use any abilities.
  • All abilities will act as they usually do if fired before getting suppressed.

Read More: Valorant KAYO Gameplay: New Loading Screen and Gameplay Reveal.

9. Jett

  • Can not use any abilities.
  • All abilities will act as they usually do if fired before getting suppressed.
  • If Jett is her Ultimate, the blade will disappear as long as she is suppressed.
  • She can not float in the air after getting suppressed.


  • Can not use any abilities.
  • She will heal even after getting suppressed if she clicks devour before getting suppressed.
  • She will dismiss even after getting suppressed if she clicks dismiss before getting suppressed.
  • Her Ultimate will get disabled.

11. Raze

  • Can not use any abilities.
  • Paint shell will act as it usually does if fired before getting suppressed.
  • Can not control the blast pack’s explosion after getting suppressed.
  • The Rocket will disappear if she gets suppressed.

12. Breach

  • Can not use any abilities.
  • All abilities will act as they usually do if fired before getting suppressed.

13. Skye

  • Trailblazer will get destroyed.
  • Can not control guiding lights after getting suppressed.
  • Regrowth will be disabled.
  • Ultimate will act as it usually does if fired before getting suppressed.


  • Can not use any abilities.
  • All abilities will act as they usually do if fired before getting suppressed.
  • His gatecrash will not get destroyed and he can access that gatecrash after getting out of suppression.

15. Astra

  • Can not use any abilities.
  • All abilities will act as they usually do if fired before getting suppressed.
  • Can not get in Astral form, so can not place stars.

16. KAYO

  • Can not use any abilities.
  • All abilities will act as they usually do if fired before getting suppressed.
  • It will not affect his ultimate if used before getting suppressed.
KAYO interactions with Agents
KAYO interactions with Agents

These were all KAYO interactions with Agents. What do you think about KAYO interactions with Agents? Are you excited to play the game will this new agent and all the upcoming nerfs and buffs to other agents?

Download Valorant to play with the new agent KAYO.

Also Read: Valorant Episode 3 Act 1 Battle Pass: All items Revealed.