Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1 update: All the features coming to the game!

Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1 update: All the features coming to the game!

Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1: All features

Minecraft is getting it second biggest expansion update very soon on June 8th and players are excited to try it out. Many snapshots were released and in this we take a look at the Minecraft caves and Cliffs part 1 update and the new additions that are coming to the game.

Minecraft is a open-world sandbox adventure game where players can do what their mind tells them to. This includes crafting tools, making huge structure, fight enemies and even going exploring and adventuring. The game will receive its second biggest update after the Nether update very soon and with it comes many new features.

Down below we look at the new additions in Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1 update.

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Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1 update: New features

Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1
Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1

The Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1 will release soon on June 8th for both Java and Bedrock. The new update will feature a few new additions to the game which is discussed below:

Related: Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs Release Date: All you need to know

New Blocks

Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1
New Blocks

The new update will feature 3 new blocks in particular:

  • Copper Blocks from which players can get Copper Ore.
  • Amethyst Blocks from which players can get Amethyst Clusters.
  • And the last one is the Dripstone Blocks from which Pointy Drip stones will spawn if there is a water body above it.

However, many other blocks will also be added that will be known once the update is out.

New Mobs

Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1
New Mobs

The Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1 update will also feature the inclusion of three new unique Minecraft mobs:

  • The first is the waterborne Axolotls which will attack the Drowned and is tameable by the players.
  • The second is the Glow Squid, with its bio-luminance Glow Squid Sacs being used in Glow Signs and more. They will be found deep in underground cave waterbodies.
  • The last one is the much awaited Goats. They will gallop on the top of snowy mountains in Minecraft and sometimes even ram the player! There is also a rare chance for a Screaming Goat to spawn and players can look out for that.

To the dismay of some fans, the Warden who will be from the Deep Dark, hasn’t been included in the Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1. This mob will make its appearance in Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update part 2, later this year!

New Item

Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1

The Candles and Wax can be a part of this update, but the most exciting item is the Spyglass.

This item will mimic binoculars and will arrive in the part 1 update.

New Biome

Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 1
Lush Caves

The new biome, Lush Caves, will also be available to the players which features a new vegetation and even mines.

New Advancements

YouTube video
YouTube: ItzJhief
  • “Whatever Floats Your Goat!” for floating in a boat with a goat
  • “Wax on” for applying wax to a Copper block!
  • “Wax off” for scraping wax off a Copper block!
  • “The Cutest Predator” for catching an axolotl in a bucket!
  • “The Healing Power of Friendship!” for teaming up with an axolotl and winning a fight
  • “Glow and Behold” for making a sign glow
  • Light as a Rabbit” for walking on powder snow with leather boots
  • “Surge Protector!” for having a lightning strike a lightning rod near a villager without setting the area on fire
  • “Is it a Bird?” for looking at a parrot through a spyglass
  • “Is it a Balloon?” for looking at a ghast through a spyglass
  • “Is it a Plane?” for looking at a dragon through a spyglass

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Also read: The Top 5 Best Minecraft Village Seeds for players to explore!