“Villains of the NBA reunite” Stephen A. Smith, Skip Bayless react to Kevin Durant’s sarcastic jab

Kevin Durant, Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless
Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith have made it to NBA headlines once again as they believe Kevin Durant cares about them. Probably they are faking that scenario as everyone knows KD hates both of them and many other media members for obvious reasons. Both the analysts just ended their weeks-long feud which was investigated by the Nets’ star as he was enjoying his offseason by getting a part of the back and forth exchanges Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith had on Twitter. Many will miss those and Kevin Durant tops that list. Both the analysts love KD even though they throw some shade at him but there’s no doubt in him topping their lists as a basketball player. But unfortunately, the relationship isn’t the same from the other end as KD was out with trolls as soon as the battle between the good old friends started.

It all started with Stephen A. Smith unintentionally disrespecting Skip Bayless at “The Old man and The Three” podcast sitting alongside JJ Redick. There he discussed his relationship with Skip and how he landed at First Take as he quoted: “Skip Bayless comes to me in a parking lot… He says, ‘I know you’ve got your plans, you love the NBA, you love being out on the road, you love being in the locker room. But I need you. I’ve done all that I could do to take this as far as I could go, I need you to do this for me, please.’… I thought about it took my time and those were clearly my best options. They weren’t about to give me my own show or anything like that at the time… Alright I’ll do it. One month later we were number one and we have been number one ever since.”
Skip Bayless since then was disrespecting and throwing shade on his mate Stephen A. Smith as he claimed it all to be false. He even said that the show was always number one and Stephens A. Smith’s addition brought the Monday NFL rating down and further denied the reason given by Smith regarding his departure from the First Take. Stephen A. Smith mentioned that it was because of him and ESPN not landing on the same page during negotiations. Kevin Durant watched it all happen and even enjoyed it as he was present with his sarcastic tweets and trolls during the heated exchanges which made headlines.

But on the latest episode of “The Skip Bayless Show” the feud was called off as Skip said they are on good terms and he loves his brother as he quoted: “We did manage to get together this past Sunday. He was in LA, he came over, we sat by the pool. It wasn’t the easiest conversation for a while, but we slowly but surely sorted it out. We got through it, and we have been through so much together. We’re still standing. We’re OK now. In fact, I’m gonna go so far, if I can be a little presumptuous, to say we’re good now. You know why? Because I love this man no matter what! That’s my conclusion. Unconditionally. And I believe he loves me. And I am proud of that.”
Kevin Durant probably was sad after knowing the drama ended without the truth being out. But he didn’t upset his fans and delivered his last tweet regarding the exchanges and sarcastically wrote: “Awww, I’m so proud of these men.” Many thought it was done and dusted now with no further exchanges. But the villains Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless are back and trying to get something going with Kevin Durant who enjoyed it all from the sidelines sitting on his couch and tweeting.
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Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith try to troll Kevin Durant for his sarcastic jabs

Skip Bayless responding to Kevin Durant’s troll tweets for his feud with Stephen A. Smith wrote: “Hey, Kevin Durant, thank you. You know the feeling.” While Stephen A. Smith also attacked back with a sweet reply and tweeted: “Thank you bro. Always special to know that you care so much! I’m touched ?”. Now everyone who was enjoying the entertainment by the analysts waits for Kevin Durant to reply back as the other end is starting it all. So they can enjoy the back and forth again but probably that won’t happen as KD right now is stuck with the Nets in a situation around Kyrie Irving.
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