New GTA 5 Exploit allows players to earn free Tuners Reputation

New GTA 5 Exploit allows players to earn free Tuners Reputation

The Los Santos Tuners DLC dropped a few days ago. It launched a new social space for players to meet and show off their rides. The Los Santos Car Meet featured multiple parking spots for players to bring their Personal Vehicles and it also featured new races, missions and challenges. The main addition in the Los Santos Car Meet was the Reputation Progressions system. The Reputation System. Players have recently found a way to earn the Reputation XP for free.

New GTA 5 Exploit allows players to earn free Tuners Reputation
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Related: GTA 5 Los Santos Car Meet explained: All you need to know.

New GTA 5 Exploit allows players to earn free Tuners Reputation:

New GTA 5 Exploit allows players to earn free Tuners Reputation

The Reputation System in the LS Car Meet worked similar to any other progression system. Players had to complete LS Car Meet challenges or races to earn reputation points. Every 5 levels, a trade price for a random car was unlocked. Reputation could also be earned periodically for simply hanging out inside the LS Car Meet.

Players realized that even simply going AFK would fool the game and players would get rewarded Tuners Reputation Points for doing almost nothing. This method is called the AFK Farming method. Using this method, players would tie a rubber band around their joysticks to make the character walk in circles and go AFK. The character would also receive period Tuners Reputation XP for hanging out in the LS Car Meet.

Players who would use this method inside the LS Car Meet would enjoy free XP and thus unlock trade prices for doing nothing. Higher reputation levels also allowed the players to unlock perks inside the car meet such as changing the lights and banners of the car meet.

New GTA 5 Exploit allows players to earn free Tuners Reputation
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AFK Farming is not a new exploit in GTA 5. Previously, players would often go AFK by watching the TV in their apartments or the security camera feeds in the nightclub and go AFK. Normally, the game would kick a player if he/she would go AFK for more than 20 mins. However, watching TV or the security feed would fool the game and thus the players would not get kicked from the session.

This method was used to farm passive businesses such as the Bunker or Nightclub without actually spending time on the game. Players on the console would tie a rubber band around their Joysticks and carry on with their work while PC players would place something heavy on the W key to keep it pressed.

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Also Read: How to go passive in GTA 5.