Why Does Roger Federer Sleep For 12 Hours a Day?

Why Does Roger Federer Sleep For 12 Hours a Day?

Roger Federer

20-time Grand Slam champion, Roger Federer, is one of the players who have improved the standards of modern-day tennis. He has taken the sport to a new level and is competing even at the age of 39 years. However, many of the fans don’t know that it is actually his sleep that has helped him to maintain his consistency levels.

Interestingly, Roger Federer sleeps for around 12 hours a day. He sleeps for about 10 hours in the night and then takes a 2-hour nap in the afternoon. In many earlier interviews, Federer had stated that if he doesn’t get this amount of sleep, he would hurt himself.

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Studies reveal that sportspersons actually require more sleep than average people because recovery is crucial to them at the peak levels. Sleeping for more than eight hours often help them to counter the inflammation that occurs because of the wear and tear of tissues when they play on the court.

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In addition, excessive sleep also helps the Swiss Maestro in longevity. He certainly feels fresh for more time and it assists him to focus on his gameplay in a much better way.

There are many players who also rely on heavy sleep other than Roger Federer

Roger Federer and Andy Murray
Roger Federer and Andy Murray

Apart from Federer, another super athlete, Usain Bolt, advocates for longer periods of sleep. He also sleeps for more than 10 hours a day and takes an afternoon nap whenever he takes time.

NBA legend, LeBron James, is another athlete who normally takes a 12-hour sleep. As one can see, it certainly helps the American player as he is one of the fittest players on the field. One of Federer’s arch-rival, Andy Murray, too follows a similar routine and sleeps for about 12 hours.

On the other hand, Rafael Nadal doesn’t believe in this excessive sleep theory. However, he too completes a mandatory 8-hour sleep before stepping on the court.

Undoubtedly, a long sleep has helped Roger Federer throughout his career. Fans surely want him to continue the same so that he can win many more titles.

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