Top 5 Agents in Valorant, Ranked

Top Agents in Valorant (Image via PlayValorant)
Meta matters in every competitive game, especially in popular games like Valorant. The relative power of agents and weapons shifts with every change introduced to the game, whether it’s patches or evolving trends in the community. Naturally, players are always on the lookout for best agents that they can employ while playing Valorant.
Here are the top 5 agents players can opt for when they play Valorant.
Read more: Valorant agents that need buffs to be playable in 2022
Top 5 agents in Valorant
5. Kay/o
Kay/o is an agent that literally every player should have. He has slowly but surely risen up in the game since its release last year. Kay/o is an information gathering initiator that specializes in throwable custom crosshairs and skirmishing. He is a special case in the initiator class. He has the strongest form of crowd control that is not a flash and that is his suppression.

Kay/o can be played like a hybrid agent, his flashes allow him to play like a duelist and fight for himself or help out his teammates. His knife and his ultimate allow him to have initiating capabilities for his team. His knife can tell the players who gets scanned and also prevents enemies from using their abilities. Kay/o’s ultimate also allows him to use his suppression for 20 seconds in an extremely wide radius all while being combat stemmed and having a second chance at life if picked up.
With Kay/o, players need to find balance between playing like a traditional initiator, where they stand in the back behind their team, and adopting an aggressive playstyle where they play like a duelist and use their ultimate and pop flashes to create space for their team.
4. Chamber
Chamber is a prolific agent, whose presence shifted the game’s meta a lot. He became the best sentinel when he was added into the game and introduced an aggressive pace oriented playstyle that only duelists used to be able to do.

The reason why we label him the best agent lies in his abilities, as that is what allows him to play like a duelist sentinel hybrid. Chamber has the ability to set up teleports to take early duels with significantly less risk. This helps the player take over rounds very quickly. The teleport location also lets the player dictate whether they want to play retake or anchor the sight, which keeps the enemies on their toes constantly.
3. Jett
Jett has been the best in the meta. There is no other duelist that is more consistent than her at the moment. She can entry, she can lurk, she is mobile and slippery. Her kit is also cost-effective and can be used creatively to make plays or get out of bad situations.

Jett has many tools to dominate a game and she looks cool and flashy wile making those plays. She is currently the most versatile in the meta. She can be used as a fast entry where she carries a phantom and smoke dashes into sights to create space and get the first pick for her team. Alternatively, players can use her in wardell playstyle where she walks and looks for aggressive angles where you can force picks for your team to get a round advantage. Jett is an overall high effective player.
Also read: Top 5 Best Jett Players in 2022: Best flying duelists in Valorant
2. Viper
Viper has an insane potential as an agent. She is, like others on this list, a hybrid agent. She can do more than one job at a time in game which gives them more options to take over the game depending on what the team needs. Viper is quite meta on a few maps. She is an agent that can distinctly play different playstyles on opposite sides of the map to help out her team.
On defense, Viper can play like a sentinel where she sets up her abilities on or around bomb sites to deny the site from attackers for as long as possible. She can hold down a sentinel role because her abilities present a direct threat to attackers who try to gain map control or even teams that don’t respect her utility and attempt to push through.

On attack, Viper has a vision blocking controller or lurker role where she can use her wall and smoke to block vision and then deny space in order to lurk or help a team execute.
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1. Omen
Omen is a reliable and easy to use smoker that a player of any caliber can use to pilot in their games. His main job is to smoke and after his buffs in act 2, smoking for him became easier and more consistent. He also has the potential to play like a duelist due to the fact that he ahs high mobility which gives him the potential to outplay enemies through repositioning or beating spawn timings and his blind is a great tool to support player’s team as they barrel into sights or contested neutral zones.

Omen’s main job is facilitating his team and fragging out is usually his second priority in the round. He is great for climbing because he can be used in basically every map outside of breeze and a good Omen can do so much more than an auto filled one. He is a playmaker for his team through the use of his utility so you need to keep full attention and play with your team in order to set up plays that can help your team win the round.
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