Top 5 best Enchantments for Chestplate in Minecraft!

Top 5 best Enchantments for Chestplate in Minecraft!

best Enchantments for Chestplate in Minecraft (image via.

Minecraft armor is one of the most important aspects of the game that is used in defensive purposes and can save the player in the nick of time. Therefore, here are the top 5 best Enchantments for Chestplate in Minecraft so that it can break through from its base stats and be a even better piece of equipment!

Enchantments are referred to the magical properties that the players can use on certain weapons, armor and items to make them even stronger. Enchantments can b obtained through books, tables and more. There are also a variety of enchantments that may be stronger than the others for an item.

Here are the top 5 best Enchantments for Chestplate in Minecraft ranked!

5 Best Enchantments for Chestplate in Minecraft


best Enchantments for Chestplate in Minecraft
Mending (image via.

The Mending is possibly one of the best enchantments for Chestplate in Minecraft because of its ability to prolong the life span of the item infinitely. Mending will consume a few of the orbs that the players get from killing mobs or mining and turn them into durability points, effectively repairing the item.

Related: Minecraft Fortune Enchantment: How to find, uses and more!


YouTube video
YouTube: Harsh Playzz

Protection is a no-brainer for an important centrepiece of the armor. This enchantment will reduce the damage taken by a flat amount from all sources. This can further scale with the level of Enchantment and can give almost 88% damage reduction if at a high level.

Blast Protection

best Enchantments for Chestplate in Minecraft
Blast Protection (image via.

Blast Protection is a very niche and specific enchantment but is very useful for the players in both PvP and in normal game modes. This will reduce damage taken from any blasts, including TNT, attacks by mobs, Wither and also beds in Nether.

The highest tier of Blast Protection will give the players a reduction of almost 80% against explosions of any nature!


YouTube video
YouTube: RajCraft

Thorns is a great enchantment if the player wish to return some damage taken to the attacking enemy. This will reflect a part of the damage that the mobs deal to the player and inflicts it upon them. This stands true for both melee and ranged attacks. A total of 4 hearts health damage can be reflected to the attacker!


best Enchantments for Chestplate in Minecraft
Diamond Armor (image via. Knowyourmeme)

Unbreaking dulls in comparison to the Mending effect, but is great in general nonetheless. It will reduce the chances of the item taking any durability loss when used. The chance for not taking durability loss will scale with the level of Enchantment. This is really effective when trying to use the same armor for long periods of time.

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Also read: Minecraft Looting Enchantment: Effects, uses and more!