Top 5 Best Sova Players in Valorant

Top 5 Best Sova Players in Valorant

Riot Game’s tactical shooter Valorant is different from other competitors for its unique set of Agents and unique sets of abilities they come with. Sova is the first agent you get to play when you install the game. Sova is an initiator in the game. To be good with Sova you have to spend hours in custom games. Best Sova players practice and perfect their line-ups to provide most of the information to their teams in-game.

Best Sova Players
Sova – Valorant


(C)Owl Drone: Equip and fire an owl drone that you take POV control of. While flying the owl, you can fire a dart which temporarily reveals its target’s location. Costs 300 credits.You can fire it multiple times but it has a long cooldown so you’ll need to fire early and have the drone survive long enough.

(Q)Shock Bolt: Equip and fire a lightning arrow that deals AoE splash damage. The closer an agent is to the blast, the more damage they will take. You can choose to bounce the arrow off of surfaces up to two times. The distance of your shot depends on how long you pull back the arrow based on three set distances – one charge bar for short range, two for mid range, and three for long range. It costs 100 credits each and you can buy 2 Shock Darts in a round.

(E)Recon Bolt: Equip and fire a recon arrow that works similarly as the Shock Bolt in terms of firing the arrow (being able to pull for more distance or bounce up to two times).If the arrow has line of sight of an enemy, it will reveal their location with an outline. You get 1 Recon Bolt free every round and get 1 after every 35 second cooldown

(X)Hunter’s Fury: Fire up to three global arrows that pierce through terrain in a straight line.Enemies hit by a blast will be temporarily revealed, it does have a slight delay so it can be somewhat easy to dodge if an enemy is prepared.You can see the path of the blast fire across the minimap to help you line up to certain areas.

Best Sova Players in Valorant

Sova is a really demanding Agent you have spend a lot of time with Sova to be good with him. Your Jett can not just dash in sites every time if Sova don’t give her information. Only the Big Brain Players can use Sova at its full capability. Here are the Best Sova Players who revealed their way to success in Valorant.

5.Itthirit “foxz” Ngamsaard

Itthirit “foxz” Ngamsaard is a young Thai player who currently plays for X10 Esports. This 21 years old talented player is one of the best in his region. This sova main is one of the reason why X10 Esports is going to Iceland. After winning VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Southeast Asia Stage 2 Challengers Finals foxz is definitely the best Sova of his region.

foxz – Top 5 Best Sova Players in Valorant

Sadly he is not uploading on youtube but you can watch him live on Twitch.

4. Son “xeta” Seon-ho

Son “xeta” Seon-ho is a South Korean player who currently plays for Cloud9 Blue. Xeta used to be a part of Cloud9 Korea, after the team got disbanded (Because of Riot’s new rule that one org can not have 2 separate roster) Cloud9 just couldn’t let xeta go. They brought xeta to America and after addition of xeta Cloud9 Blue is the best they have ever been.

xeta – Top 5 Best Sova Players in Valorant

Watch this Korean talent live on Twitch and enjoy the clips on Youtube.

3. Jay “sinatraa” Won

The best Overwatch player ever Jay “sinatraa” Won shocked everyone when he decided to quit Overwatch and go pro in Valorant a game of a totally different genre, But he proved himself by putting an amazing number on the board in Valorant as well. Sinatraa has a unique playstyle that no one can replicate. His extremely shaky aim and abstract movement shock everyone. Currently, he is an inactive player of Sentinels due to some controversies. Sova’s kit gives him so much information and allows him to just wall-bang opponents out of nowhere. Besides Sova, he also plays Reyna.

sinatraa – Top 5 Best Sova Players in Valorant

Watch him live and sheeeeeeeeeeeesh when he decides to stream again on his Twitch and watch his recorded gameplay on Youtube.

2. Spencer “Hiko” Martin

Hiko, the star of 100 Thieves, a team among the best in NA, clearly shows why the team is in the place it stands. The 100 Thieves star, Spencer “Hiko” Martin, is the team’s most experienced member. As a former professional CSGO player, Hiko brings a plethora of game knowledge to the table. Hiko put this team together after a rough start with 100T in Valorant. He was the brain behind picking the players and led them to a championship in the first Valorant Major. Everyone’s favorite Boomer Hiko is one of the best Sova players who plays the game Valorant professionally.

Hiko – Top 5 Best Sova Players in Valorant

Show Spencer some love on his Youtube and spam ‘POG’ in his Twitch chat anyday cause he streams everyday.

1. Jonas “AverageJonas” Navarsete

If you follow Valorant for long enough AverageJonas will be the first name that will come to your mind. This Norwegian Professional Opera singer lost his job due to Covid and try his luck in streaming and it definitely worked. Currently, he is signed as a content creator for Team Liquid. He is the man who invented the double sock darts lineups in Valorant. You can also see him cast official Riot Tournaments as well. This talented and “Big Brain Sova Main” definitely deserves the number 1 spot on this list. Even all the other Best Sova Players in Valorant learn from him.

AverageJonas – Top 5 Best Sova Players in Valorant

Catch him live now on Twitch and see Radiants rage after getting killed by his double shock dart lineups on Youtube. If you really want to learn Sova or any other lineups you should definitely check out Average Jonas’s Discord.

Also Read: Top 5 Best Sage Players in Valorant.