Top 5 Best Ultimates in Apex Legends for May 2021
Apex Legends is a free-to-play character ability-based shooter game where 60 legendary competitors battle each other for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. This game is available for a vast number of platforms. You can get this game on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via both Origin and Steam.
Best Ultimates in Apex Legends
Ultimate abilities are generally the strongest in a Legend’s arsenal and so have higher cooldowns. One ultimate ability can change the whole game in seconds. With help of Ultimate abilities in this game you can get an extra edge over the opponents in no time.
Here are the Top 5 Best Ultimates in Apex Legends for May 2021.
Press the Ultimate Button one time to prepare for launch. Teammates can interact with Valkyrie to join the launch. Press the Ultimate Button one more time to launch into the air and skydive.
- Upon usage, Valkyrie enters a setup animation that charges up over 2 seconds, after which she can press Fire to launch ~180m into the air and enter a skydive, similar to using a Jump Tower. Squadmates can press Interact near Valkyrie to launch with her.
- Skyward Dive can be canceled during setup either by taking damage or manually by pressing the Ultimate button again. 75% of its charge is refunded when canceled.
- While in pre-launch, using ping will mark Valkyrie for her squad and display a “Let’s fly!” notification in the kill feed.
- Vertical clearance is required for flight.
3 minutes
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This ultimate ability links two locations with portals for 60 seconds, allowing both teammates and enemies to use them.
- Wraith places one end of a portal where she activates the ability, then runs to another location and places the other end. Players can then pass through the portal to take that same path through the void at 5x the speed they would otherwise. It can be used in either direction.
- Wraith can run roughly 75 meters before placing the other end of the portal. The Rift Energy is shown on top of your H.U.D. upon activation and does not drain while standing still.
- If Wraith uses less than 4.72% of the Rift Energy, then places the other end of a portal, it will be canceled, allowing her to keep her ultimate charge at 100%.
- While running to place the other end, Wraith cannot use any weapons, items, or map features, but she does receive a 25% speed bonus and can skip the Into the Void ‘Focusing’ animation.
- Wraith cannot use another Dimension Rift while placing hers, that is she only simply goes past the rift without entering it.
- Players taking the portal are invulnerable and leave a faint blue trail, much like Wraith while using Into the Void.
- Portals will disappear after four seconds if both ends are outside The Ring.
3.5 minutes
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This ability calls in a drop pod full of high quality defensive loot and more items.
- Care Packages come with 3 item slots, and always guarantee an upgrade to your squad’s current loadout, if possible. Each slot contains one of the following:
- Slot 1 (right slot relative to where the care package was called): Evo Shield, Helmet, or Knockdown Shield The body shield will always be an upgrade, depending on what your team is wearing (for Example, your team has all level 3 \ Evo Shields, there will be a guaranteed level 4 \ Body Shield).
- Slot 2 (left slot): Shield Cells, Shield Batteries, Syringes, Med Kits, Mobile Respawn Beacons and Phoenix Kits.
- Slot 3 (front slot): Weapon Attachments, 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat or a 1x Digital Threat.
- Lifeline’s Care Packages do not contain Supply Drop Weapons.
- Unlike natural airdrops, Lifeline’s care packages are blue and are not marked on the map or announced. They still emit a blue light when unopened.
- Takes 15 seconds to land once called in.
5 minutes
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This ultimate ability calls in a concentrated mortar strike on a marked position.
- Throws a smoke grenade that marks a 24-meter radius around it for a mortar strike.
- For 6 seconds, explosives continuously rain down on the area, dealing 40 damage per hit and shell-shocking players.
- The area is marked for all players with red circles indicating where mortar shells will hit.
4.5 minutes
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BEAST OF THE HUNT (Bloodhound)
With this ultimate Bloodhound transforms into the ultimate hunter. Enhances your senses, allowing you to see cold tracks and move faster. downing opponents extend duration.
- Lasts 35 seconds, and immediately ends when downed.
- Increases your speed by 30%.
- Your vision turns black and white, except for enemies, which are highlighted in red.
- Enemy footprints are also highlighted in red.
- Certain things will retain a little color, including the edge of The Ring, grenade explosions, and various enemy abilities respectively.
- Teammates are highlighted in blue.
3 minutes
This were the Top 5 Best Ultimates in Apex Legends for May 2021. If your favorite Ultimate is not in this list you can let us know your version of Top 5 Best Ultimates in Apex Legends for May 2021.
Download Apex Legends on your PC to enjoy all this ultimates via Steam and Origin.
Also Read: Apex Legends May 27 Update: Valkyrie nerfs and more.
Sudip Kundu
(346 Articles Published)