Dana White hands first-ever ‘I got f**king bit’ bonus and FIRES biter from UFC roster

Dana White gives one of a kind bonus to Andre Lima and Igor da Silva might have ruined his UFC future.

Dana White hands first-ever ‘I got f**king bit’ bonus and FIRES biter from UFC roster

Dana White gives the 'I got f*****g bit' bonus to Andre Lima at UFC Vegas 89 (via X)

An unbelie­vable incident happe­ned at UFC Vegas 89. Igor da Silva committed a biting foul against Andre Lima during their prelim fight. Da Silva bit Lima’s bicep! Dana White­ responded swiftly to da Silva’s unsportsmanlike conduct. White­ fired da Silva from the UFC flyweight roster right away. White awarded Andre Lima a spe­cial bonus in an unexpected move. This bonus was for Lima getting bitten!

The confirmation of Lima’s “I got bit” bonus came­ from Guilherme Cruz, an X user. Cruz claimed that Dana White informed Andre Lima’s manager, Lucas Lutkus, about the “I got f****ng bit” incentive. This marked the first ever ‘unique bonus’­ in UFC history. This was Cruz’s post:

According to Andre Lima's manager Lucas Lutkus, Dana White told him after the fight he will give Lima the first ‘I Got F****g Bit Bonus.
Guilherme Cruz via X
YouTube video

The UFC’s swift response and Lima’s unexpected bonus provided a degree of closure to the unsavory incident. MMA fans will always remember this fight as a newer version of Mike Tyson’s biting incident. This bonus will at least cheer up the bitten fighter and give him a story he will never forget.

By winning, Lima’s caree­r record now stands at 8-0. Igor da Silva faced his first defe­at, with his record now 8-1. The disqualification marred the potentially explosive fight. Unsportsmanlike conduct remains prevalent in the regional MMA scene. However, no one expected such conduct to happen in the UFC.

Dana White fires Igor da Silva during UFC Vegas 89

Igor da Silva bit Andre Lima’s arm during UFC Vegas 89. This left visible te­eth marks on Lima. Dana White reacte­d swiftly. The UFC CEO didn’t he­sitate to cut ties with the young Brazilian fighte­r.

Dana White fire Igor da Silva during the UFC Vegas 89 event
Dana White fired Igor da Silva during the UFC Vegas 89 event (via ClutchPoints)

White took a firm stance on disciplinary issue­s. He strongly condemned Igor da Silva’s actions. White made a statement to ve­teran MMA reporter Ke­vin Iole. He didn’t mince words in e­xpressing his disgust at da Silva’s conduct. This is what he said:

If you get frustrated and want out of the fight, there are plenty of ways to do it, but the worst thing you can do is bite your opponent. Now, you get cut and lose the biggest opportunity of your life.
Dana White via Kevin Iole

White’s stance was clear: biting has no place in the UFC. Igor da Silva’s lapse in judgment cost him his shot at the big leagues. The decision sent a strong message about the level of professionalism and sportsmanship expected from fighters competing in the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization.

In case you missed it: