“Least talented sport on Earth,” When UFC supremo Dana White made some OUTLANDISH OBSERVATIONS about football

“Least talented sport on Earth,” When UFC supremo Dana White made some OUTLANDISH OBSERVATIONS about football

Dana White (L) has no patience for the game of football [Image Source - Irish Mirror (L) and Hindustan Times (R)]

Dana White is a name that most people, especially American, have heard of. He deserves almost all of the credit for making the UFC as big, and mainstream, as it is today.

The growth of the UFC is a spectacular story that has been told multiple times now. Dana White, a former kickboxing coach literally turned his life around when he encouraged one of his classmates (Lorenzo Fertitta) to invest in the UFC – a gutsy move, one must say, considering how the sport was perceived as being brutish and completely unnecessary in the last decade of the twentieth century, and much of the twenty-first. However, times have changed, and through White and big names stars like Conor McGregor’s collective efforts, the sport has really grown in magnitude.

YouTube video

Hence, from a sports magnate, an inherent love for different games is only to be expected. That could be said of Dana White as well – however, the buck stops at football, or what the Americans refer to as soccer. Speaking about it in a light interview a while back, White said, “[I] can’t stand soccer. I think it’s the least talented sport on Earth. There’s a reason three year olds can play soccer.

Delving into the details of the game, he said, “You run around, kick a ball… When you’re playing a game, when the net is this big, right, and the score is 3-1, are you sh*tting me right now? Do you know how untalented you have to be, when the net is this big?

Related- “The sport is such a mess,” UFC President Dana White on organizing a boxing fight

Fans hilariously blast Dana White for giving a lackadaisical account of football, a game that is played the most across the world

Dana White is a fan of American football, but not football/soccer [Image Source - Las Vegas Review - Journal]
Dana White is a fan of American football, but not football/soccer [Image Source – Las Vegas Review – Journal]

It is truly said that football is the only global game – it is played across all continents, with equal fervour. It also acts as a binding mechanism – that is, when playing, stratifications of identity are forgotten and a kick-about is enjoyed. Obviously, then, football fans will not be too enthused by the American mogul’s hardly astute comments – let’s pray football fans among the ranks of MMA fighters, including Khabib Nurmagomedov and Darren Till don’t find this video.

And as is the trend, fans blasted Dana White for his doltish comments; find the best reactions attached below.

Fan comments [Image Source - Calgary Sun]
Fan comments [Image Source – Calgary Sun]
Fan comments [Image Source - Calgary Sun]
Fan comments [Image Source – Calgary Sun]

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Fan comments [Image Source - Calgary Sun]
Fan comments [Image Source – Calgary Sun]
Fan comments [Image Source - Calgary Sun]
Fan comments [Image Source – Calgary Sun]
Fan comments [Image Source - Calgary Sun]
Fan comments [Image Source – Calgary Sun]

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