Valorant Give Back Bundle Raised $5.5 Million For Charity

Valorant Give Back Bundle had come as a part of Valorant YR1 Events that had come to Riot Game’s Tactical FPS Valorant in order to celebrate the 1st birthday of the game. These events had lasted over a month and Riot packed in many more hidden surprises in these events. Riot Games has recently announced that the bundle has raised $5.5 million for charity. The article talks about the Valorant Give Back Bundle that has raised $5.5 Million For Charity.

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Valorant Give Back Bundle Charity
VALORANT’s limited-time bundle, which was available for players from June 22 to July 8, has raised more than $5.5 million for the Riot Games Social Impact Fund, the developer has announced. Each in-game cosmetic in the bundle costs players 1,755 VP or roughly $20 USD, and the entire bundle costs $6,382 VP, a 10% discount from the original prices of the weapon skins. 50% of the proceeds from sales went towards Riot’s Social Impact Fund, a charity focused on funding education, citizenship, and opportunity, to make a positive impact in the world.

The cosmetics included in the bundle were determined through a fan vote that started on June 2. The Reaver Sheriff, Ion Operator, VALORANT GO! Vol. 1 Spectre, and Reaver Vandal were featured in the bundle. It was told before the voting ended that maybe you will lean towards these skins after knowing where the revenue from this bundle goes. 50% of the proceeds from Weapon skins and 100% from accessories in the Give Back Bundle, will go towards the Riot Games Social Impact Fund, in partnership with Impact Assets.

“We can’t thank you enough for supporting the Give Back Bundle by casting your votes and expanding your weapon cache for a good cause,” Riot said. “We look forward to partnering with you again to support local nonprofits with the Riot Games Social Impact Fund and be agents of change in your communities.”
The voting was available from 2nd June to 7th June The winners among the skins were announced on June 16. The purchase of the bundle was available from June 22–July 8.
Also Read: Valorant YR1 Events and All You Need to Know About Them.