VALORANT Leaked Skins: Zedd Collaboration Melee and Teased Skin in Trailers
Valorant Leaked skins are always the ones most sought, especially after new acts or episodes. Skins bring a different touch to the normal gunplay, adding a bit more colors and pop to the usual battlefield.
Apart from the ones Valorant has already released, like the battlepass skins and the Katana melee, there might be some unreleased skins in Valorant that either got teased or leaked shortly. The article discusses the new Valorant leaked skins from different sources and more details on them.
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VALORANT Leaked Skins
VALORANT Episode 3 Trailer got a boosted kickoff from the Community Creators in form of an adorable compilation just before its release. A new episode of VALORANT has made its way yesterday, with Episode 3: REFLECTION, and new episodes means bringing new agent and other contents.
Valorant had dropped a flashy cinematic in honor of Valorant’s one-year completion, as well as a hype element for the upcoming Episode 3, which has seen its first light yesterday. Valorant’s one-year anthem trailer got followed by a Kickoff trailer that incorporated all the new changes and big inclusions coming in the next episode inside the trailer along with animated and gameplay clips in between. Valorant has introduced KAY/O, the 16th agent of Valorant has already won the hearts of many.
The video featured KAY/O’s gameplay apart from showcasing the battlepass skins and the give back bundle, but RIOT didn’t miss the chance to showcase its newest gun skin, which may as well turn out to be a complete bundle, in the hands of KAY/O. Towards the end of the trailer, KAY/O was shown killing the enemy Reyna with a new Guardian Skin along with the finisher that levitated Reyna, and put a halo over her.
The skin was only shown for Guardian, although it’s not confirmed by RIOT whether we will see the skin for all, or only the one shown in the trailer. Apart from this, a new leak has surfaced on the internet when Mike from Valor Leaks posted a new skin that is thought to be a collaboration between Valorant and Zedd.
VALORANT released their Year One Anthem with a probable hint towards the upcoming agent and map in an almost 4 minute cinematic that is edited flawlessly. The item looks like a laser sword with a Z on the hilt and a pinkish glow along the blade. Zedd’s name can also be seen behind it, which seems to indicate it is at least a melee skin inspired by him.
Also Read: VALORANT New Ranking System: Competitive Changes, ‘End Of Act’ Tournament in Episode 3
Shirin Akhtar
(1824 Articles Published)