Valorant Leaks: New Upcoming Sage, Raze Nerf, Breach Buff, and More

Valorant Leaks makes a pretty important rotation around the internet before the actual changes come through in the new act or episode. Similarly, many theories have been circulating all across social media concerning the upcoming agent changes in Episode 3.
The new Episode 3 of Valorant: Reflection, will be launching on 22nd June 2021, in less than a week. Agents will go through changes besides the upcoming new agent, KAYO. The article discusses all the Valorant Leaks trending on social media regarding the buff and nerf of various agents.

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Valorant Leaks
According to Mike, a famous Twitter data miner has released upcoming information on many agent changes coming through in the next episode of Valorant. Apparently, there are many leaks including the buff and nerf of many agents, if not all. Here are all the changes:

- Slow Orb Price Increase: 100>>200
- Ultimate Points: 7>>8

- Ultimate Points: 7<<6
- Jett can no longer dash through his TRIP Wires
- Astral Form Price Decrease: 200<<150
- Astral Form Stars decreased: 2<<1
- Boom Bot Price Increase: 200<<400
- Ultimate Points: 7>>8
- Curveball Price Increase: 200>>250

- Snake Bite Price Increase: 100>>200
- Leer Price Increase: 200>>250
- Aftershock: 3 small burst shock, instead of 1 big shock
- Aftershock Price Increase: 100>>200
- Flashpoint Price Increase: 200>>250
- Flashpoint Charges: 3>>2
- Owl Drone Price Increase: 300>>400
- Shock Dart Price Increase: 100>>150
- Ultimate Points: 7>>8
- Incendiary Price Increase: 200>>250

- Blindside Price Increase: 200>>250
- Trailblazer Price Increase: 200>>250
- Guiding Light Price Increase: 100>>150
- Guiding Light: 3>>2
- Guiding Light: Flashes regenerate after 40 seconds
- Shrouded Step Price Increase: 100>>150
- Paranoia Price Decrease: 400>>300
- Dark Cover: 1 Free smoke| Second Smoke>>100
- Dark Cover: Smoke regenerate after 40 seconds

- Cloudburst Price Increase: 100>>200
- Updraft Price Increase: 100>>150
- Ultimate Points: 6>>7
- Can no longer Dash through Cypher’s Tripwire
It seems Valorant has combed through every agent mindfully and restored balance upon the game, other than the weapon price changes. While many seem even with the Raze nerf on boom bot price, and Viper’s snake bite increase besides the required ultimate points increment of many agents like Jett, Raze, Sova, fans are divided on the repeated Sage nerfs. We will soon get to know what gamers have to react to all these changes.
Also Read: Valorant: New Agent coming alongside Balance changes in Patch 3.0