Valorant: Top 5 Best Agents to Slay With in Replication Mode

Whether it’s a comp team or a regular unrated, having the picks for the Top 5 Best Agents for any map or game mode is what leads a team to win the game. While Valorant provides a range of 15 versatile agents to choose from, not every agent is viable for every map and mode, and picking the right ones is the key to perfect gameplay.
Although Replication provides a different approach, with the same agent for all, there are chances you will excel at this game mode with some of our hand-picked agents than others. Let’s learn about the Top 5 Best Agents that are more useful to use in Replication Mode.

Top 5 Best Agents in Replication:
Riot Game’s tactical FPS Valorant comes with new and innovative game modes and skins set for every other act of the game. In Episode, 2 Act 3 of Valorant Riot will introduce Replication Mode in the game. This game mode is quite similar to Riot Game’s own MOBA League of Legends’ ‘One for All mode’. In this new game mode, all 5 players in a team will get to play with the same agent and there exist Top 5 Best Agents in this game mode too.
Related: Valorant Replication Mode: Agent selection, Economy, and All you need to know
In this brand new game mode, 5 players can pick one agent of their choice, multiple players can even pick the same agent. Then the game will initiate a roulette system and pick 1 random agent from the selected 5 agents. All 5 players in the team will have the same agent in-game.
#5. Jett

Jett is one of the best agents in the whole agent pool of Valorant. No matter how much Riot nerfs her she just can’t stay away from the limelight. It always pisses everyone when an opponent Jett peeks an off-angle, kills your teammates, and uses her Tailwind as a free-from-jail card, imagine 5 Jetts doing that to your team. You and your 4 teammates can just smoke and dash into the site and get the easy win in any mode, and in Replication specifically.
#4. Killjoy

As if a single turret was not annoying enough, now you can 5 turrets at once. Only the turrets of Killjoy can eat more than half of the health points from an enemy in just seconds, making her one of the deadly and Top 5 Best Agents in this game mode. If you combine that with an alarm bot in each corner the damage will get doubled. In an attack round all you have to do is plant the spike, don’t even worry about the defuse. Keep popping your swarm grenades, by the time enemies get rid of 10 warm grenades the time will be already up.
#3. Breach

Breach is most probably the most unbalanced and hated agent. With 15 flashpoints with 5 Fault Line which will keep recharging after using you can make the whole opponent team rage quit. If you think stopping Brech is hard then think about retaking the plant site when you have 5 breaches on your opponent team who can get you off the spike 5 times with 5 Aftershocks.
#2. Sage

If you think having 5 same agents in the opponent team is bad then get ready to face 10 sages in a single round. If you have 5 sages in your team you really don’t have to worry about heals. If you are not totally dead you will surely get back back to 100 Hp in few seconds. What if you are totally dead?
You don’t even have to worry about that as well, one of your teammates sage can always wave her hands over your dead body and resurrect you with her ultimate. A total of 10 slow orbs can make entering the plant site a nightmare for your enemies. And it will be a race against the timer for the enemy team if you put all 5 barrier walls together.
#1. Viper

Riot is recently giving Viper a lot of Love with their updates. Now Viper is the strongest that she has ever been. With Viper ultimate you can turn the game of Valorant into a game of hiding and seeking. 5 toxic walls can easily make any map of Valorant into a maze, take advantage of that make your way in plant the spike, and wait because the game is about to be more toxic post-plant.
After the plant, you can just line up or shoot your snake bite, making her one of the deadly and Top 5 Best Agents in this game mode. It will just make the spike untouchable. It takes only 1 second to kill an enemy with snakebite if the enemy is decayed.
Also Read: Top 5 Best Jett Players in Valorant.