Wither Skeleton in Minecraft: Location, Drops and more!

Wither Skeleton in Minecraft: Location, Drops and more!

Wither Skeleton in Minecraft: All you need to know!

Minecraft has dangers lurking around every corner of its Overworld and they are numerous. In this article we take a look at the Wither Skeleton in Minecraft and all you need to know about it.

Minecraft has a ton of monsters and enemies that will try to harm the players on sight and kill them. To defend against them players need to be armed at all times as they might sneak up behind you, when u least expect it.

Down below we take a look at the Wither Skeleton in Minecraft and all you need to know about it.

Wither Skeleton in Minecraft

Wither Skeleton in Minecraft
Wither Skeleton in Minecraft

The Wither Skeleton are a different variant of skeletons that are found only in Nether Fortresses and have a Sword instead of a Bow.

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Wither Skeleton in Minecraft
Wither Skeleton in Minecraft

Wither Skeletons are an exclusive spawn in the Nether Fortresses found in the Nether realm. They can also spawn on Wither Roses.

The Wither Boss in Minecraft also spawns 4 Wither Skeletons when below 50% health. Spiders spawned in the Nether also have a 0.8% chance of spawning with a wither skeleton on its back, however, this is only possible in Creative mode.

Attacks and effects

Wither Skeleton in Minecraft
Wither Skeleton in Minecraft

Wither Skeletons are aggressive towards players and often run towards them. They also attack Iron Golems, baby turtles, piglins and piglin brutes.

YouTube video
YouTube: Cubey

They carry a sword with them which they use to attack. The attacks from Wither Skeletons in Minecraft apply the Wither status effect which turns the health bar black and drains life.

They are also immune to fire and Wither status effects but the sun harms them in the Overworld.


Wither Skeleton in Minecraft
  • The Wither Skeleton drops the very rare Wither Skulls, that are needed to summon the Wither Boss in Minecraft. They have a 2.5% of dropping this in normal mode.
  • They drop 0-2 bones when killed.
  • They have a chance to drop a Coal and also 8.5% chance of dropping the stone sword they carry.

Fun fact: On Halloween, Wither Skeletons have a 22.5% chance of spawning with a Carved Pumpkin on their head or a 2.5% chance of wearing a Jack o’ lantern.

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