Brittney Griner, who stood against the NATIONAL ANTHEM, has been rescued by Joe Biden over ex-Marine who was deemed GUILTY within 1 minute 30 seconds in Russia

Brittney Griner, who stood against the NATIONAL ANTHEM, has been rescued by Joe Biden over ex-Marine who was deemed GUILTY within 1 minute 30 seconds in Russia

Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan

Joe Biden finally confirmed that WNBA’s very own Tom Brady, Brittney Griner will be reaching US soil within ’24 hours’ as she was rescued in a high-profile prisoner swap Viktor Bout. While media and sports fanatics are happy for their female sports icon to finally reach back home to her family, there is one household which have been neglected of their happiness.

Given that Brittney Griner has suffered enough in her short stint in a Russian penal colony, an ex-Marine officer who spied in Russia for the benefit of his own country has been overlooked and might as well complete his 4th year in Russia prison.

On one hand where Joe Biden has worked immensely to securely get back Griner, a police officer who was busted by Russian intelligence officers in Room 3324 of Moscow’s Metropol Hotel has been made to suffer even longer.

Why did Paul Whelan deserve to be rescued before Brittney Griner?

Brittney Griner
Brittney Griner

Did Brittney Griner hate America? In the summer of 2020, following the drug overdose of George Floyd, the Phoenix Mercury marquee player explained that she would be protesting the playing of the national anthem before games by simply staying back in the locker room. Interestingly her protest came in light of the killing of Breonna Taylor, and she refused to be on the court when the National Anthem played.

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While Griner has been an active protestor against various reform, Paul Whelan is someone who has majorly suffered via the hands of Russian officials. After being held, he had disappeared without trace for three days. He was a British, Irish and Canadian citizen who was convicted of spying – receiving Russian state secrets – after a short trial conducted entirely behind closed doors.

It took the chief judge just 1 minute 20 seconds to reach the key words in his verdict. “Moscow City Court…finds Paul Nicholas Whelan guilty,” he read from the typed sheet, adding that the 16-year sentence would be served in a high-security facility for the most dangerous offenders.

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That being said, as much happiness as it gives by witnessing Griner back homes, has injustice been done to Paul Whelan even after years of suffering?

Also Read: “WRONGFULLY being used,” Michael Jordan’s daughter with Juanita Vanoy claims how Brittney Griner is being used as a mere ‘pawn’ by Vladimir Putin’s lands

Also Read: “Have lost fingers” Brittney Griner’s gruesome misery worsens due to a heinous task in a ‘slave-like’ prison