“He’s a small guy with a bland face”- Wrestling Veteran compares Johnny Gargano to Connor McGregor and a chimpanzee

“He’s a small guy with a bland face”- Wrestling Veteran compares Johnny Gargano to Connor McGregor and a chimpanzee

Johnny Gargano and Conor McGregor

Johnny Gargano is one of the talented wrestlers in the WWE as of now. Johnny Gargano has decent mic skills and has been an experienced and incredible in ring performer, with praise getting from many wrestling pundits and WWE Universe. Johnny Gargano started wrestling in 2005 and has wrestled around some of the major promotions like Chikara, Dragon Gate USA (DGUSA), Evolve and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (PWG). Gargano made his WWE debut in 2015 and established himself as one of the Prominent WWE superstars on the NXT Brand, winning the NXT Championship once.

Johnny Gargano’s WWE contract expired in December 2021 and he didn’t choose to renew it as he wanted to focus on raising his new born son. Johnny made a surprise appearance on August 22 edition of RAW, which marked his return to the company after 9 months. On that episode of RAW, Theory interrupted him in the middle of his speech and made fun of Johnny until Johnny finally hit Theory with a superkick.

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Johnny Gargano was mentioned by Jim Cornette on a recent edition of the Jim Cornette Experience. Cornette described Johnny as a short man with a bland face who lacks any obvious hostility that would terrify anyone. Johnny, according to Cornette, is not Connor McGregor and always has a lifeless look on his face.

“He’s a small guy with a bland face and no discernible aggression that would intimidate anybody. It’s not Conor McGregor we’re talking about here, it’s Johnny sameface. Yes, you can do the moves but so can a chimpanzee. Where’s the money”.

RELATED: “Very exciting to see him back” Former WWE Champion admits he thinks Johnny Gargano deserves the chance he received in WWE

Theory speaks about Johnny Gargano’s return

Johnny Garganno and Theory during their time at The Way
Johnny Garganno and Theory during their time at The Way

In a recent edition of “Under The Ring” podcast, Theory spoke about Johnny Gargano’s return and the attack towards him by Gargano. Theory stated that when you know someone and believe that person stands by you and supports you, referring to their experience at the Way. Johnny feigning himself and kicking him in the face, according to theory, was very pathetic and manipulative. He stated that Johnny has very clearly detailed his Monday Night RAW trip and that it would not be at his expense.

Johnny Gargano is one of the Superstars who made his return under the Triple H’s regime and we are beyond thrilled to have him back in the WWE. The other being Karrion Kross, Scarlett Bordeaux and Dexter Lumis. Many Superstars have gotten a boost in the organization since Triple H took over as Head of Creative.

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