25-year-old star breaks silence after recreating iconic Seth Rollins moment with Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose on WWE TV

Seth Rollins' protege Nathan Frazer showed resemblance to his mentor's promo on NXT this week.

25-year-old star breaks silence after recreating iconic Seth Rollins moment with Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose on WWE TV

NXT star and The Shield (via YouTube/@WWE)

Seth Rollins, the World Heavyweight Champion, has been around WWE for more than a decade. The Visionary is decorated with multiple honors and championship wins that directly inspire many talents. Current NXT star Nathan Frazer is one of them, and he is not only a fan but also a protege of him. On the recent episode of NXT, Frazer had a little Easter egg of a certain Seth promo back in 2016.

During the NXT episode, Chase U and the NXT Tag Team Champion Wolf Dogs were present in the ring. The situation had Chase U in line for those tag team titles. However, Frazer and Axiom interrupted them to put themselves in the championship picture. It was Frazer who came out with Axiom, stating that’s not how this should work and instead having their team be the next challenger.

YouTube video

A video posted on X shows how Rollins interrupted Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose on an episode of Raw. The promo said multiple No’s followed by ‘I don’t think so, pal, that’s not how this works’. That moment had Ambrose as the WWE Champion, with Reigns vying for a title shot, when Rollins interrupted for his chance too. Frazer then stated in his response to that post that he merely expressed his discontent.

"I merely expressed my discontent"
Nathan Frazer about his interruption on NXT (via X)

That 2016 Raw promo and the recent 2024 NXT promo had much resemblance, which was perfectly connected by Frazer with his mic skills and gave a callback to his mentor. The only difference came in the aftermath of these promos, as on Raw, Seth and Roman both got the title shot due to the double countout match result. But on NXT, only Chase U was the challenger after defeating Frazer and Axiom.

Kevin Nash lauded Seth Rollins’ promo on last week’s Raw

The Raw after WrestleMania 40 Kickoff paved the way for a grand matchup at The Shows of Shows. Seth “Freakin” Rollins, who is known for his rivalry with Cody Rhodes, sided with him this time in facing their same opponent. Rollins declared that Rhodes needs backup this time in his war against The Bloodline.

Cody Rhodes with Seth Rollins
Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins (via WWE)

In a recent ‘Kliq this Podcast‘, WWE legend, Kevin Nash claimed that Seth’s promo was probably his best promo so far. The only message Rollins delivered to the WWE Universe as well as Rhodes was the fact that he would become The American Nightmare’s ‘Shield’ in his efforts to take down The Bloodline.

I thought the Rollins [promo] on Raw was probably the best he’s ever cut. He basically said to Cody, ‘This is it. You got one shot left.'
Kevin Nash about Seth Rollins’ promo with Cody Rhodes

There are rumors of Roman Reigns and The Rock teaming up to face Rollins and Rhodes at WrestleMania 40. This would mean that those three stars might have to pull double duty at WrestleMania to make it the biggest Mania of all time. Reigns would surely face Rhodes in Night 2’s main event, while Rollins has yet to have his opponent revealed.

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