WATCH: When Triple H savagely roasted Stephanie McMahon by revealing their bedroom secrets on live TV
Triple H did not hesitate to roast back his girlfriend, Stephanie McMahon when the topic landed on his disrespect regarding their sexual intimacy.

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon (via X)
The Attitude Era is WWE’s most remarkable period. With edgy content and rebellious storylines, WWE’s product was being consumed by many like-minded people. Vince McMahon was aware of their success and did not even hesitate to involve sexual slurs in it. One such prime example happened when Triple H roasted his daughter, Stephanie McMahon.
On the February 25, 2002, episode of Monday Night Raw, a mid-show segment was in the works. The Undisputed WWF Champion, Chris Jericho, came out with Stephanie and cut a promo about HHH. The Lionheart got personal with Hunter when Stephanie added a roast of her own to the mix. She said her ex-boyfriend (kayfabe), The Game, always came up a little bit ‘short’ being metaphorical of his sexuality.

Hunter then came out to the ring for a ferocious reply to Stephanie McMahon and even to smack Jericho. In the former process, HHH proved that he did not fall short, but the field that The Game was playing in was too wide. He cited the scenario with an example stating Boeing 747 looks smaller upon its flight through the Grand Canyon. All those metaphors here were directed at the sexual activities (as an insult) between McMahon and HHH.
The rivalry between Lionheart and HHH, built over for their match at WrestleMania 18 , saw McMahon playing an essential role. The promo then referenced Stephanie again as he mentioned her as ‘The Great Wide Open’. The non-PGness of this particular moment remains a memory for many.
An unusual Triple Threat match for Undisputed WWF Championship in 2002
WrestleMania 18 live from SkyDome in Toronto was a huge success for the WWF. The Icon vs. Icon match between The Rock and Hulk Hogan has made a mark as a classic match for years to come. But the company’s coming back to the United States saw them having an equally banger episode of Raw for that momentum. So, a huge main event was up, with Stephanie McMahon deserving a chance to win the Undisputed WWF Title.

The feud between Triple H and Chris Jericho had Stephanie’s big role in it, which seemingly concluded at Mania. But McMahon vying for the championship got her into the scenario and made her eligible to grab those golds. It was not until the match happened that anyone would have believed that to be true.
McMahon had protection during the match, with Lionheart on her side. The Game showed no mercy to her and took his chances to attempt Pedigree on her. Stephanie also did not hesitate to pin Hunter when both men lay down on the ground to gain the championship. But the newly crowned champion couldn’t have been damaged at this level, so the win landed in HHH’s favor.
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