WWE Smackdown live results (Survivor Series build up begins): November 5, 2021

WWE Smackdown live results (Survivor Series build up begins): November 5, 2021

Smackdown Women's Champion

WWE Smackdown live results: The Blue brand has been delivering one powerpacked episode after another. With WWE Survivor Series just a little over a fortnight away, the build-up to the event is set to begin. Superstars from Raw could show-up to gain heat ahead of the feuds.

Stay tuned for the live updates from the Blue brand.

WWE Smackdown live results: King Woods def. Jimmy Uso

Xavier Woods defeated Finn Balor at Crown Jewel 2021 to win the King of the Ring tournament
King Xavier Woods

As soon as the match begins Woods goes for the roll up. Jimmy throws Woods to the ropes but Woods hits back with a Russian leg sweep. Jimmy slams Xavier’s face into the turnbuckle. He climbs the top rope as he jumps but Woods hits back with a drop kick. King Woods goes for a suplex but Jimmy picks him up and slams him onto the top turnbuckle.

Jimmy applies the head lock but Woods gets out of it. Woods lifts Jimmy up and throws him onto the top rope. Woods climbs the top rope, he hits Jimmy with a leg drop. Woods climbs the top rope once again but Jey distracts him.

Jimmy lifts Woods on his shoulders and hits him with a Samoan drop. Jimmy climbs the top rope and jumps but Woods gets his foot up. Jimmy with a thumb to the eye, he goes for the cover but Jey is helping Jimmy with the cover and the referee sees it and stops the count. Woods rolls Jimmy up for the win.

Result: King Woods wins

After the match Roman Reigns attacks Kingston and Woods. The Bloodline completely brutalize the New Day as the show comes to an end.

WWE Smackdown live results: The Viking Raiders def. Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss

Madcap and Ivar kick things off. Ivar applies arm bar but Madcap hits back with a right hand. Erik is tagged in and they double team. Madcap hits back with a spine buster. He throws Erik in the corner and Corbin is tagged in and he begins with a clothesline. Corbin follows up the Deep Six.

Madcap is tagged in as Erik hits Corbin with a double knee. Iver is tagged in and he knocks Madcap down. Ivar sits down on Madcap and Erik is tagged in. In comes Corbin but is thrown outside by Erik. Erik lifts Ivar up and throws him onto Madcap. Corbin grabs Madcap to the outside and they get counted out.

Result: The Viking Raider wins

WWE Smackdown live results: Drew McIntyre def. Ricochet

wwe smackdown live results

McIntyre’s open challenge is answered by Ricochet this week. As the bell rings McIntyre tosses Ricochet around the ring. Drew runs but Ricochet lowers the top rope sending McIntyre to the outside. Ricochet goes for the hurricanrana but McIntyre catches and slams him onto the apron.

Back in the ring, McIntyre climbs the top rope but Ricochet hits back with a drop kick. Ricochet follows up with a crossbody and a moonsault. He goes for another moonsault but McIntyre connects a Claymore for the win.

Result: Drew McIntyre wins

WWE Smackdown live results: Los Lotharios def. Cesaro and Mansoor

Garza and Mansoor kick things off. Garza applies the arm bar and Mansoor manages to take him down with a kick. Carrillo is tagged in and they double team on Mansoor. Carrillo stomps Mansoor in the corner and Garza is tagged back in. A dropkick and half crab by Garza but Mansoor hits back with a DDT.

Cesaro and Carrillo are tagged in and the Swiss Cyborg enters with a clothesline. Cesaro climbs the second rope and connects a springboard corkscrew uppercut. He grabs Carrillo for the spin, but Garza interferes. Cesaro picks up Garza and spins him around. Carrillo comes back to attack Cesaro. They double team on him and pin him for the win.

Result:Los Latharios win

WWE Smackdown live results: Shayna Baszler def. Naomi

Shayna Baszler def Becky Lynch and Bayley: Survivor Series 2019

After the match, Sonya Deville comes out and says that Naomi should’ve gotten a rope break and hence the pinfall shouldn’t be counted. She restarts the match. As soon as the bell rings, Baszler applies the Kirifuda Clutch for the win.

Result: Shayna Baszler wins

WWE Smackdown live results: Naomi def. Shayna Baszler

Prior to the match Sonya Deville mentions that she has no personal vendetta against Naomi. The bell rings and we are under way. Naomi begins with a slam press followed by a dropkick. Baszler hits back with a German Suplex. Naomi climbs the top rope and connects a crossbody slam. Baszler goes for the Kirifuda Clutch, but Naomi holds on to the ropes and rolls up Baszler for the win.

Result: Naomi wins

WWE Smackdown live results: Roman Reigns’ segment

wwe crown jewel 2021
Reigns and Heyman

After not appearing on Smackdown last week, the Universal Champion Roman Reigns shows up. Reigns says that after defeating Brock Lensar he had taken a week off to clebrate. He was running naked on a private island and his wife was loving it.

But many people questioned his absence, so now the Tribal Chief is back. He asks Heyman what happened last week. Special Counseel stutters and mentions that The Usos lost to The New Day in a non-title match.

The Universal Champion asks whose fault it was, as the Usos blame each other. Jimmy says he will make The New Day acknowledge him. King Woods and Kofi Kingston walk out to the ring.

Woods and Kingston tease Reigns. King then challenges Jimmy to a match and promises to acknowledge the Bloodline, if he loses. But he asks Jimmy to take a knee if Woods wins. Reigns grabs the mic and says The Bloodline accepts.

Also Read: WWE Superstars Roman Reigns, John Cena and others send a special message to fans in India