REWIND: The History between Edge and Randy Orton

Two WWE legends Edge and ‘The Vipar’ Randy Orton have crossed paths several times in their long wrestling careers. The Rated R Superstar Edge and The Legend Killer Orton have shared probably the longest storyline chemistry, which includes friendships, confrontation, betrayal, and everything to entertain the WWE audience for three long decades.
Here, in this article, we are going to look at the long history in WWE between these two wrestling legends.
Here is all about the rivalry between Edge and Randy Orton-

Two colossal wrestlers faced each other off for the first time in a May 10. 2004 episode of Raw where Orton stood tall and successfully pinned Edge, thanks to the interfere of Ric Flair. They both clashed again in the July 11, 2004 VENGEANCE pay-per-view. But this time, Edge speared Orton down to get his hands on The Intercontinental Championship title.
The two rivals worked together to make the team ‘DX’ down in the 2006 Cyber Sunday pay-per-view. The two went on to form a Tag team named ‘Rated-Rko’ and became successful as they became tag team champions in a Nov 13, 2006 episode of Raw.
The two began to exchange heat again as in a fatal four-way match in BACKLASH 2007, Edge accidentally spared The Viper’. These two locked horns in a brutal match in a 30th April Raw episode that year where the Edge prevailed and thus postponing the rivalry for years. Edge, after picking up a terrifying neck injury stayed out of wrestling for almost 9 years. He then made a shocking return in the 2020 Royal Rumble. However, in the Jan 27, 2020, episode of Raw, the Viper betrayed Edge and launched a venomous attack on him.
The Rivalry continued as Edge’s wife and MVP got involved in that rivalry too. Orton’s attack on Beth Phoenix fired Edge up and the latter threw a challenge to Randy Orton which Orton accepted. As a result of this, they both faced each other off again in Wrestlemania in a brutal Last Man Standing match.
This time Edge became victorious only to get challenged by Randy again. The two legends again confronted each other and, this time too, Edge prevailed thanks to interference from Alexa Bliss. Thus their three-decades-long rivalry came to a halt again.
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