Top 10 worst gimmicks of Attitude Era in WWE

Attitude Era marked the onset of some of the greatest wrestling gimmicks. However, there were several gimmicks that were simply awful and were abandoned by the WWE very soon.

Top 10 worst gimmicks of Attitude Era in WWE

10 worst attitude era gimmicks

The Attitude Era is considered one of the best times in the world of professional wrestling. It is well-documented that the ratings and viewership records set during that era haven’t been broken to this day. However, not everything about the Attitude Era was great. There were some great gimmicks, but some terrible ones as well.

WWE tried to put forward a number of gimmicks in the Attitude Era, but quite a lot of them failed miserably. Some of the gimmicks were too edgy, inappropriate for the young audience, or just simply boring. Here is a list of the top 10 worst gimmicks of the Attitude Era:

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10. Perry Saturn (falling in love with a mop)

Perry Saturn and Moppy
Perry Saturn and Moppy (Source: WWE)

WWE punished Perry Saturn in one of the most unique ways. Perry was involved in a shooting match where he launched a legitimate attack on enhancement talent Mike Bell. As a lesson, he was made to develop on-screen chemistry with a mop and even named it Moppy. Saturn would appear on the screen being mesmerized by a mop which made the fans uncomfortable to watch.

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9. Billy and Chuck

Billy and Chuck
Billy and Chuck (Source: WWE)

The tag team partners Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo were two of the biggest guys in the WWE at the time. Between 2001 and 2002, the two guys, who were a tag team, went a step ahead and revealed their heterosexuality. Playing gay characters at that time and that too in bad taste was just too much. Finally, in September 2002, Chuck asked Billy to be his life partner. However, during the course, they revealed that they were acting like heterosexuals just for the sake of publicity, and they returned to their normal face gimmick afterward.

8. Beaver Cleavage

Beaver Cleavage
Beaver Cleavage (Source: Tumblr)

As the name suggests, Beaver Cleavage was another weird gimmick from the Attitude Era having unusual sexual fetishes. It was the epitome of incestuous relationships. Beaver would act like a child while his on-screen mother would console him in intimate ways. Disturbingly, when the camera would close up on Beaver’s face, he would wiggle his eyebrows making it clear that he was doing so purposefully. The gimmick came to an end after securing a victory over Christian.

Related: Top 10 worst storylines of Attitude Era in WWE 

7. Almost Naked Mideon

Almost Naked Mideon
Mideon (Source: ProRasslin)

Can you imagine a grown-up man running across the arena with nothing but a pair of boots and a fanny pack? This is exactly what Mideon was made to do in the Attitude Era. Mideon has played multiple odd characters during his WWF Run but his last character was the weirdest. He would interrupt matches by strolling across in a thong with a waist bag. After a brief run, Mideon was released from the company in 2001.

6. Meat

Meat (Source: Wrestlecrap)

The stable of Pretty Mean Sisters (PMS) consisted of revengeful women. The group consisted of Terri, Jacqueline, and Ryan Shamrock. Soon, the women added Shawn Stasiak (Meat) as they were of the opinion that Shawn was nothing more than meat. The storyline continued with Jacqueline and Terri using Meat to fulfill their sexual desires. The stable came to an end in August 1999.

5. The Midnight Express

The Midnight Express
The Midnight Express (Source: WWE)

The duo of Bart Gunn and Bob Holly along with their manager Jim Cornette were very successful in the South. They, along with the Mulligans were new tag teams in the company. Despite being managed by a legendary talker, the men were not able to generate fan support. They were not getting any fan reactions at all and were soon let go.

4. Tiger Ali Singh

Tiger Ali Singh
Tiger Ali Singh (Source: Digital Sporty)

Canadian-Amercan superstar Tiger Ali Singh was all set to become a big star. WWE has huge plans for him especially as they eyed the Indian audience at the time. Tiger even secured a win against Owen Hart in the WWE Kuwait Cup. However, things did not go pretty well for him and soon he would be seen playing a rich heir who used his money to humiliate the less fortunate. Fans perceived the character as similar to that of Ted DiBiase and never gave the required reaction. Soon, he was sent to Puerto Rico to work on his skills.

Related: Top 5 rivalries of the Attitude Era

3. Key

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Vic Grimes aka Key (Source: Wrestlepedia)

Vic Grimes, most notably known for his match with The New Jack played the character of Key. The key was a drug supplier with The Road Warrior Hawk being his customer. Key literally is another name for kilo that is often used in drug exchanges. He was to be the reason why Droz replaced Road Warrior Hawk in the Road Warriors tag team. The character was disturbing, given the real-life demons of Hawk. Soon, he was sent to ECW.

2. Kai En Tai

Kai En Tai
The stable-Kai En Tai (Source: Mirror)

Kai En Tai was a stable consisting of Japanese wrestlers; Shiryu, Dick Togo, Men’s Teioh, Sho Funaki, and Taka Michinoku, and managed by Yamaguchi-San. They debuted on the Raw after Wrestlemania 14, attacking Taka Michinoku and stating he had become Americanized. Their most memorable work was when Yamaguchi was shown an inappropriate video of his wife with Val Venis. The group didn’t stay for long and was completely abolished in 2001.

1. The Oddities

The Oddities
The Oddities (Source: WWE)

Donald Kallis (aka The Jackyl) formed The Oddities after the disbandment of The Truth Commission. Kurrgan, Giant Silva, Golga, and Sable were the notable members of the group. Sable introduced the group as Babyfaces. None of the members of this group of large men was ever taken seriously by the fans. Their last notable appearance was as entrants in the 1999 Royal Rumble before being released in February of that year.

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