How did Andre The Giant Die? The tragic story behind WWE Superstar Andre the Giant’s death

Andre the Giant
Andre the Giant is one of the most recognizable wrestlers in the world of professional wrestling. He is considered to be in the league of Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson, who are even recognized by people who do not follow their sport.
Andre the Giant had gained legendary status due to his commanding demeanour and larger-than-life physicality. His gigantic mass is due to a medical condition known as Acromegaly, which means excess production of the growth hormone. Gigantism is its most common symptom, but the condition is so rare that it affects only about 0.0005 per cent of the population.
Andre’s body started to succumb to the condition during the later stages of his life. When he was a kid, the condition was overlooked because he had large relatives, and the doctors felt that his growth was “normal”. Even after the condition was diagnosed, Andre decided not to get the treatment, as it would’ve affected his career and lifestyle.
His large size started affecting his mobility. Chairs, shoes, cars, toilets, nothing ever comforted a man of his size. His knees, back and neck experienced consistently worsening pain as his body was struggling to carry his own mass. Andre once broke an ankle and realized that his body couldn’t keep up with his career anymore. He had a heartfelt discussion with Vince McMahon, who offered him a perfect match to hang his boots at Wrestlemania.
Andre the Giant faced Hulk Hogan

Vince McMahon had planned a match between Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan for the main event of Wrestlemania III. Andre had been a “babyface” throughout his career. But for this match, he had turned Heel. In fact, this was the first time in his career that he was scripted to lose a match.
By the time the day of the match came, he was unable to even walk to the ring. He had to ride a cart, just to reach the ring from backstage. But the duo put up a historic match, where Hogan choreographed every single move in such a manner that Andre was comfortable and didn’t stress his back.
His condition never improved after the night of Wrestlemania III. He tried to continue his career as a guest commentator but announced an official retirement from pro wrestling in 1992. Months later, he passed away on January 27th, 1993, while attending his father’s funeral in Paris. Later in the year, he became the first inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame.
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