Best tips to rank up faster in Free Fire Ranked Season 24

Best tips to rank up faster in Free Fire Ranked Season 24

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Garena has released the Free Fire Ranked Season 24 recently which had commened on October 22, 2021, and players who wish to push their rank should start immediately as it could more harder in the coming days. Each player who want to reach higher ranks in the game, it is better to push from the season beginning otherwise, it will be tought to reach them later.

It is regarded a significant struggle for players to advance their rank, and as they rise in rank, the game will become more difficult to play because the competitors will be at a higher rank level. At the end of the regular season, players will be rewarded for earning higher ranks in the game. Players will seek out suggestions to help them rank up faster in Free Fire Ranked mode because it is a difficult task. This article will be a guide for best tips for such players.

Tips to rank up faster in Free Fire Ranked Season 24

5. Play Squad And Duo Mode In Ranked Mode

Free Fire Ranked Season 24
play with a team

When you play Free Fire solo, your win is occasionally determined by chance. If you are in the wide open field, you would be a clear shot for everyone and thus, you will be killed. As a result, you should play Duo or Squad to avoid losing or winning only on the basis of luck.

In Free Fire ranked mode, playing in the duo or squad mode earns you more points than playing solo, and having more players with you boosts your chances of winning. In addition, there are increased chances of being saved by your colleagues in duo and squad mode.

4. Land in safe places

Free Fire Ranked Season 24
land in safe spots

Players should regard landing as the most important aspect to consider. Any landing in the wrong area will immediately return you to the lobby. You will lose a lot of points if you die early in a match while trying to improve your rank. Simply drop off somewhere far away from the plane’s flight path to avoid this.

Almost always, you’ll be able to deploy in a lovely location with few opponents. You’d be able to just survive the early game and grab items as a result. If you want to advance quickly in Free Fire, this is the most important piece of advise.

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3. Be consistent and Try harder

fre fire rank push tips
be consistent

This may sound like encouraging phrases, but it’s difficult to deny that we might get caught up in worrying about rank numbers. In truth, achieving a good push rank isn’t just about getting strong numbers; there are also lessons to be learnt when you get a bad position.

Increasing your rank to Heroic is a long race; be sure your spirit can keep up till you reach the Heroic rank. Do not allow yourself to lose if you instantly give up and go on to a new game.

2. Don’t be Greedy for kills

Free Fire Ranked Season 24

As you progress through the ranks or reach higher rank levels, you will be placed in a lobby with other skilled players. That implies you’re in for some intense combat. Because we’re talking about rank push, it’s best to stay as low as possible. Killing foes will earn you good rank points, but you will also be putting yourself in danger of being killed. If you make it to the last zone, you’ll earn a lot of rank points and have a better chance of winning. Your rank points will be doubled as a result of this. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t battle until the last zone; it just means you should hunt for advantages and exploit them if you can.

1. Usage of characters and pets

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Players should choose characters and pets based on their preffered style of gameplay. Pets are also good companion for players as they do have minor abilities which could be a great help for players on the battlefield. Also, they can combine active skill with three passive skills to make a combination. Characters can be used for both aggressive and passive gameplay style.

Also Read: How To Complete Come Home To Free Fire Event to get legendary gun skins and pet for free