Destiny 2 update 7.1.0: Get ready for the Season of the Deep
The new Destiny 2 update is finally here

Destiny 2 is adventuring upon new worlds and better graphics, something that Bungie Studios excels at. And they’re putting it up front for players to have fun with. The new seasonal story builds around Titan’s ocean floor. Players will get to see a whole new saga of aquatic themes and aesthetics throughout the game.
The arrival of Titan and Deputy Commander Sloane in the new story arc of the game is something for players to look forward to. Destiny 2 will flaunt its new 6-man activity that lasts this season which is called Salvage. It comes in addition to the 3 man activity called Deep Dive. Let’s take a closer look at the new update that Destiny 2 will feature in.
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What’s new in the season of the Deep

Players will dive deep into the methane ocean to dig up and discover the long-lost secrets of the ancient past. And peek right into what Witness’s origin has to offer. Players get to encounter the ruins of the glorious past with Golden Age technology which sunk under the Titan millenniums ago. And fight with the Lucent Hive and different types of enemies as well.
However, the game has more than just that to offer. Players get to spend a tranquil environment where they can atone peace and spend time chilling. Activities such as Fishing and Deep Dives come under weekly missions for players to complete. Along comes an opportunity for players to get outfits referenced from Ghost of Tsushima and God of War: Ragnarok which are also the games from PlayStation and published by Sony Entertainment.
Seasonal Artifact in Destiny 2

Players now get to flaunt their unique powers in the new season. The new seasonal Artifact enables the player to play like guardians and mods for the same. This would further develop into the ability to discover more items deeper into the ocean. And best among all, communicate with creatures! Yes, you’ve heard it right. Destiny 2 is going far beyond the perception of its gaming style and adding more features to immerse players into the game.
Silver Bundle and other packs in Destiny 2

Leviathan: a Collab with PlayStation is going to take the game one notch up with various heroes for players to choose from. Better vehicles, equipment and Camo, and themes to choose from for players to showcase their collection. Numerous builds include a new gun that builds an electrostatic charge to blind your enemies. Players can buy a silver bundle pack. The pack includes some legendary emote which come with 1700 silver. Which is obviously why it’s called a silver bundle. Having purchased season passes, cosmetics, and more.
Numerous builds include a new gun that builds an electrostatic charge to blind your enemies. And various other useful designs to scale the game. Exclusive Auto Rifle. Which comes with the new season pass and also bands together a score of XP boost and enhanced progression.
It will be fun to see how Destiny 2 will fare after the release of the season and how the players will perceive it. Until then fans should keep an eye out for more details pouring out.
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