Disguised Toast responds to backlash after DSG Game Changers all-female Valorant roster announcement
Toast took to Twitter to clarify his roster choice for DSG.

Disguised responds to backlash
Recently, Jeremy ‘Disguised Toast’ Wang faced backlash after his announcement of the all-Female DSG Game Changers Valorant roster. The line up boasts of popular streamers and high tier players. Some weren’t too happy as they thought the team will focus more on hardcore professional players. The team comprises of Jodi “QuarterJade” Lee, Kyedae “Kyedae” Shymko, Sydney “Sydeon” Parker, Tenzin “TrulyTenzin” Dolkar, with Lydia “tupperware” Wilson as the IGL. Disguised Toast clarified why he chose a more content-making approach over signing more seasoned pro players.
Toast took to Twitter and said, “I assure all the girls on the team are taking this event very seriously and they all meet the criteria set out by Riot to participate.” He also stated, “Financially, after doing more research, I wasn’t ready to commit $300,000 off a whim without more time given understanding the space.”
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Toast’s all-female DSG Game Changers Valorant roster

According to him his primary goal is for the Game Changers Circuit to get more recognition. He explained that the scene has massive potential and Riot Games themselves have overlooked it to an extent. Toast stated that the popular streamers will generate more views and it will make this tier of Valorant more mainstream.
DSG Toast even called out some doubters for trying to “gatekeep them from this event just because they are streamers.” As the team is mainly made up of streamers some doubted the competitiveness of the team.
Prominent Game Changers player jellyfish tweeted to share her opinion on the matter, “as someone who competes in gamechangers primarily and cares about the growth of the scene and its players, it feels disrespectful that dsg originally asks for actual players to build a roster for gamechangers and then builds a team w 4 very popular streamers.”
She goes onto say that she thought Toast was putting together a serious team as he put a tweet for recommendations for players. She was disappointed as he ended up choosing streamers. Toast clarified that he wanted to build a competitive team for the GC, but it would also focus on creating Valorant content.
Fans pour in support for the streamer
Fans of the streamer were quick to tweet in defense of the streamer. They welcomed the step of creating an all streamer-based team. Some even mentioned that this would help grow the scene even more. Popular streamers will garner lots of views. Veteran CSGO player sapphiRe said, “This roster you built is another tool, another inspiration that will hopefully reach an even wider audience. They, just as much as any woman, deserve their place in esports and no matter the reason, I’m proud to see them give it a go.”
The North American Valorant Game Changer series will start from April 4th (Qualifiers). The Main event will begin from Aril 11th and will last till the 14th. This tournament is a great platform especially for female gamers to showcase their talent and gain recognition. DSG Toast’s intention to make the tournament a success looks set to be a reality after his previous team’s ventures in the game.
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