Why Harbor isn’t an effective agent in Valorant?

Harbor's skillset is practically useless in the current Valorant meta.

Why Harbor isn’t an effective agent in Valorant?

Credits: Riot Games

In Valorant, agents are unique characters with different abilities and roles that players can select to use in matches. These agents are grouped into four categories: Duelist, Sentinel, Controller, and Initiator. The Controller category is particularly important for slowing down enemies and providing cover and support to the team.

Harbor, a water-bending agent, was introduced to the game with much anticipation from players, especially those who preferred playing Controller agents. Despite the initial hype for Harbor before his eventual launch, the agent has turned out to be an absolute disappointment. Despite being a Controller, his abilities do not effectively slow down enemies or provide adequate cover and support to the team.

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What makes Harbor particularly ineffective in Valorant?

Credits: Riot Games

Harbor’s abilities are particularly tricky to buff. He is unlike other agents, such as Viper, who was also an unpopular agent at launch. Harbor’s toolkit lacks any significant niche or specialty that it can be used in. Even his ultimate ability called Reckoning, is an underwhelming one. His toolkit ultimately adds very little value to the game. Due to all these factors at play, Harbor’s popularity has severely declined. He is now the worst agent in the current Valorant meta. Harbor has a pick rate of only 1.1% in competitive play.

While Riot Games, the developer of Valorant, could potentially make Harbor more viable by adding new abilities or improving his existing ones, it remains uncertain whether such efforts would be successful in any way. The lack of a smoke ability is particularly problematic for Harbor. Since smokes are essential for the Controller role, Harbor not having a smoke ability is a huge letdown for players. Adding a stun or slippery slope of water ability instead of the Cascade ability could potentially make Harbor a lot more effective for controller mains. However, it is still unclear whether such changes would be enough to convince players to pick him again, as Harbor hasn’t necessarily made a good first impression on the player base.

Harbor’s lackluster performance in Valorant has been disappointing for fans of the game, particularly those who prefer the Controller category. Despite Riot’s efforts to buff him, it remains uncertain whether he will improve in popularity or end up being a flop.

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