“We didn’t have anyone isn’t that right?” Disguised Toast horribly roasts Yvonnie for ignoring valkyrae

Dsiguised Toast and Yvonnie
Disguised Toast and Yvonnie can possibly have an entire roast-athon video dedicated to their bickering but unfortunately there is no such video. Their recent game of Valorant was no exception, but this time their bickering included Valkyrae who seemed to enjoy it more than she should. It seems Toast got a bit upset that Yvonnie excluded Valkyrae and started to expose her in front of Valkyrae. So what did Yvonnie say that upset Toast?
Read: Find out why Valkyrae had Pokimane on her knees here!
What did Yvonnie say that upset Disguised Toast?

OfflineTV and their regular friend group were queuing for a Valorant match, but there was one problem, they were one person short of a five stack. “Anybody got that fifth?” Sykkuno asked Miyoung, Yvonnie and Toast trying to see if any of them knew a person who would be the fifth man in the team. “I have someone” Yvonnie said and Toast asked her if it was someone famous, “He goes to Stanford”. Then he asked her to get someone more famous than that
Read: Find out how being non-toxic in League of Legends backfired for Disguised Toast here!
How did Valkyrae come in the picture?
Shortly after Yvonnie suggested the person from Stanford Valkyrae joined the Voice chat. “I have more clout” she said after which everyone burst into uncontrollable laughter. “We didn’t have anyone isn’t that right Yvonnie?” Disguised Toast said trying to make her uncomfortable. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” she said trying to apologize to Valkyrae.
Read: Find out why Yvonnie thought Disguised Toast had no balls here!