“What the heck?” Disguised Toast scores an insane ace in Valorant impresses Miyoung

Disguised Toast was using the new agent Chamber
Disguised Toast and OfflineTV and co have been playing Valorant for a long time. Over the period of time they have grinded Valorant they have become pretty adept at it, have scores of montage clips between each of them. But Toast’s most recent clip was a mindblower that impressed Miyoung and everyone of his team with his precise aim and flicks. It seems that he might be all set for joining an eSports team in pro league
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What rank is Disguised Toast in Valorant?
After months of playing most members who do it regularly have reached ranks of platinum and gold. The last known ranked play by Toast had him placed in the gold to the platinum range of ranks. This means that Toast plays among the higher ranks of the game so is pretty skilled at it, probably as skilled as he is at Among us.

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What did Disguised Toast do during the ace?
Toast’s ace was impressive. He was in a post-plant 1v5 situation in the pistol round of Valorant, it all seemed truly hopeless and all seemed lost. This was when Toast rose to the situation as Miyoung watched, they were expecting the round to end when they witnessed two crisp headshots and two enemies down on the kill feed, Toast was going wild. After this, he rotated to the other site where the plant had taken place. He reached the site after a bit of a problem with an enemy viper. He finished the round by fragging the remaining two enemies but was microseconds away from clutching the round as the spike exploded just before he could defuse it.
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