Shakira to launch a “sweatshirt of shame” as part of her latest swipe at ex-boyfriend Gerrard Pique

The latest in the shenanigans of the former 'Power' couple

Shakira to launch a “sweatshirt of shame” as part of her latest swipe at ex-boyfriend Gerrard Pique

pique Seen with Shakira(left) and Clara(right)

Despite officially separating in June, Shakira and Gerard Pique’s quarreling shows no signs of ending. A couple of weeks ago, Shakira released the BZRP Music Sessions #53 with Bizarrap, in which she threw jabs at Pique and mentioned his new girlfriend, Clara Chia. Social media has largely supported Shakira, while Pique has been the target of much mockery and contempt.

The former defender has also been on the offensive and responded mockingly to Shakira’s digs. For example, the Kosmos President was recently seen using a Casio and driving a Twingo in a nod to Shakira’s song. In the latest song, Shakira took several digs at Pique by saying, “A she-wolf like me isn’t for rookies like you. That’s why you are with someone just like you,” also going for a swipe at the former Barcelona man’s current girlfriend, Clara Chia Marti. The song has racked up over 200 Million Views.

YouTube video

Shakira’s latest move is wearing a sweatshirt with the legend “Women no longer cry, women bill.” This phrase is from her song with Bizarrap; she wore it while thanking her fans from the balcony of her house in Barcelona. According to media reports, Shakira was celebrating her son Milan’s birthday at the time. Pique, the child’s father, was also briefly present.

Shakira seen wearing the merchendise

Though it is not yet known if there was a reunion between the former couple, it seems that the exchange of digs will continue for the foreseeable future. As soon as Pique left his children with Shakira, he went to his parent’s house, which is next door to Shakira’s.

Even the Japanese watchmaker, Casio, has joined the bandwagon. The company fired shots at the former couple’s relationship. Pique has recently made his relationship with Clara Chia public via his Instagram, where he posted a picture with his now Girlfriend.

Casio also poked fun at the former couple’s relationship

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Shakira being mistreated by her Mother-in-law, further signs of a Toxic relationship between the couple

Shakira's song break Latin song Youtube record
Shakira’s song breaks Latin song Youtube record

The video and reports of the alleged mistreatment by Pique’s mother towards Shakira have sparked a heated debate on social media, with many fans showing their support for the singer and condemning the alleged behavior.

Shakira has yet to make a public statement on the matter, but it is clear that the tensions between her and Pique’s family were fairly high while the couple was together. This video and the reports of the alleged mistreatment towards Shakira have also brought to light the challenges of mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationships and the importance of treating each other with respect and kindness.

The relationship between Shakira and Pique culminated in a tragic ending for the fans. However, fans continue to show support towards Shakira as her song continues to break records. At the same time, the former Manchester United Defender has been busy with legal trouble over his recent venture, The Davis Cup.

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