How to get legendary emotes from Free Fire Emote Party event this week?

Garena has introduced a new event called Free Fire Emote Party event in which players can stand a chance to win almost all type of emotes in the game. Players can stand a chance to win Legendary emotes in this event along with the normal ones.
Garena Free Fire has a substantial fan base in India, with attracting new active users. The developers will never hesitate to add new things in the game and when it comes to cosmetics & events, we can find something new or fresh each day. Emotes are always a fun way of expressing something and a set of new & interesting emotes are added to the game every now and then. By using these cool animations, players can have a good time by interacting with their friends in the game.
Along with the commencement of Diwali celebration events, the developers have also included a new Emote Party event in which there are a total of 27 emotes available along with some rewards.
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Free Fire Emote Party event: All You need to know

The all-new emote Party has commenced today i.e., on October 27, 2021 and will remain unclosed until November 2, 2021. During the event run time, players can win legendary emotes along with the other cool emotes. The best part of this event is that the legendary emotes are guaranteed for a certain number of spins. This is a great opportniuty for players and are suggested not to miss this out, but they need to shell out some diamonds.
There will be two spin choices, namely NORMAL DRAW or SUPER DRAW. Players would need to spin any of the two options. However, the first spin would have a discount set on it. The Normal Draw would cost 19 diamonds (9 diamonds after discount) while the Super Draw would cost 199 diamonds (99 diaonds after discount). It must be noted that Emotes are guaranteed for the Super Draw.
There are a total of 5 legendary emotes featured in the event apart from other normal prizes. Each Legendary emote is guaranteed after 5 consecutive Super Draw spins if you do not own them. For each spin you would get an emote from the prize pool. Here is the prize pool of the event:

- Legendary Emotes:
- Stage Time
- The Biker
- Ground Punch
- Mythos Four
- More Practice
- Normal Prizes:
- Bring it on!
- Bhangra
- Fancy Hands
- Challenge on!
- one-Finger Pushup
- Threaten
- The Victor
- Sll!
- Moon Flip
- Death Glare
- Party Dance
- The Dangerous Game
- Provoke
- Kongfu
- Wiggle Walk
- Shake it Up
- Shake with me
- Baby Shark
- Hello!
- Applause
- Dab
- Arm Wave
- Cube Fragment
- Diamond Royale Voucher
- Weapon Royale Voucher
- HellFire M4A1 Crate
- T.R.A.P. Famas Crate
- Bumblebee Gun Crat
- Digital Invasion Gun Crate
- Red Samurai Gun Crate
- Shark Attack Crate
- Pink Devil Gun Crate
- Scan
- Universal Fragment x50
- Pet Food
- Gold Royale voucher
- Resupply Map
For each spin, you can get an emote from the above list even if you miss the Legendary emotes. Here are the rules of the event:

1. Spin for a prize with NORMAL DRAW or SUPER DRAW. The first spin for each Is discounted!
2. Emotes are guaranteed for the SUPER DRAW.
3. The exclusive Stags Time Emote is guaranteed by the 5th SUPER DRAW
4. Legendary Emotes are guaranteed with every 5 subsequent SUPER DRAWS if you do not already own them
How to access the event?
Step 1: Open Garena Free Fire on you device and wait until it loads to the main lobby. Click on the Claendar icon present on the right side of the main screen.

Step 2: Go to the ‘News’ section from the all sections and you will find the Emote Party Tab.

Step 3: Click on Go to to access the event and spin to win prizes.