Full list of NBA champions and runners up

Full list of NBA champions and runners up

NBA Champions and Runners Up

Since the inception of the league of National Basketball League popularly known as the NBA in 1946, the sport of basketball grew by leaps. From the rise of Michael Jordan to modern-era basketball God ‘LeBron James’, the NBA has seen it all. Through the history of the league, there have been 74 different team who have gone onto clinch the NBA Championship. With Boston Celtics and LA Lakers winning the most 17 each. 

So, who are the other teams who have won the NBA Championship apart from these two Conference giants, and whom did they beat? Well, all your queries seek to meet an end in this article, as the list of NBA Champions and runners up season after season is listed right below- 

List of NBA Champions and Runners up since the inception of the league in June, 1946; season after season

YearNBA ChampionNBA Runner-up
1947Philadelphia WarriorsChicago Stags
1948Baltimore BulletsPhiladelphia Warriors
1949Minneapolis LakersWashington Capitols
1950Minneapolis LakersSyracuse Nationals
1951Rochester RoyalsNew York Knicks
1952Minneapolis LakersNew York Knicks
1953Minneapolis LakersNew York Knicks
1954Minneapolis LakersSyracuse Nationals
1955Syracuse NationalsFort Wayne Pistons
1956Philadelphia WarriorsFort Wayne Pistons
1957Boston CelticsSt. Louis Hawks
1958St. Louis HawksBoston Celtics
1959Boston CelticsMinneapolis Lakers
1960Boston CelticsSt. Louis Hawks
1961Boston CelticsSt. Louis Hawks
1962Boston CelticsLos Angeles Lakers
1963Boston CelticsLos Angeles Lakers
1964Boston CelticsSan Francisco Warriors
1965Boston CelticsLos Angeles Lakers
1966Boston CelticsLos Angeles Lakers
1967Philadelphia 76ersSan Francisco Warriors
1968Boston CelticsLos Angeles Lakers
1969Boston CelticsLos Angeles Lakers
1970New York KnicksLos Angeles Lakers
1971Milwaukee BucksBaltimore Bullets
1972Los Angeles LakersNew York Knicks
1973New York KnicksLos Angeles Lakers
1974Boston CelticsMilwaukee Bucks
1975Golden State WarriorsWashington Bullets
1976Boston CelticsPhoenix Suns
1977Portland Trail BlazersPhiladelphia 76ers
1978Washington BulletsSeattle SuperSonics
1979Seattle SuperSonicsWashington Bullets
1980Los Angeles LakersPhiladelphia 76ers
1981Boston CelticsHouston Rockets
1982Los Angeles LakersPhiladelphia 76ers
1983Philadelphia 76ersLos Angeles Lakers
1984Boston CelticsLos Angeles Lakers
1985Los Angeles LakersBoston Celtics
1986Boston CelticsHouston Rockets
1987Los Angeles LakersBoston Celtics
1988Los Angeles LakersDetroit Pistons
1989Detroit PistonsLos Angeles Lakers
1990Detroit PistonsPortland Trail Blazers
1991Chicago BullsLos Angeles Lakers
1992Chicago BullsPortland Trail Blazers
1993Chicago BullsPhoenix Suns
1994Houston RocketsNew York Knicks
1995Houston RocketsOrlando Magic
1996Chicago BullsSeattle SuperSonics
1997Chicago BullsUtah Jazz
1998Chicago BullsUtah Jazz
1999San Antonio SpursNew York Knicks
2000Los Angeles LakersIndiana Pacers
2001Los Angeles LakersPhiladelphia 76ers
2002Los Angeles LakersNew Jersey Nets
2003San Antonio SpursNew Jersey Nets
2004Detroit PistonsLos Angeles Lakers
2005San Antonio SpursDetroit Pistons
2006Miami HeatDallas Mavericks
2007San Antonio SpursCleveland Cavaliers
2008Boston CelticsLos Angeles Lakers
2009Los Angeles LakersOrlando Magic
2010Los Angeles LakersBoston Celtics
2011Dallas MavericksMiami Heat
2012Miami HeatOklahoma City Thunder
2013Miami HeatSan Antonio Spurs
2014San Antonio SpursMiami Heat
2015Golden State WarriorsCleveland Cavaliers
2016Cleveland CavaliersGolden State Warriors
2017Golden State WarriorsCleveland Cavaliers
2018Golden State WarriorsCleveland Cavaliers
2019Toronto RaptorsGolden State Warriors
2020Los Angeles LakersMiami Heat