Martina Navratilova lashes out at Atlantic magazine for controversial article on gender separation, says she expected “better journalism”

Martina Navratilova
Martina Navratilova, the 65-year-old Czech American former tennis professional is widely regarded as one of the greatest female tennis players of all time. with 18 grand slam titles to her name, Navratilova has her name etched among the all-time greats of tennis. The tennis legend is also a social right activist and she often speaks out on the social issues that plague our society.
Being a social rights activist, Navratilova is often seen to be quite active on Twitter. The tennis legend recently took to Twitter to lash out the Atlantic for a controversial story on gender separation in sports. Navratliva reacted to a snippet of the story and wrote, “It’s also so so wrong… I expected better journalism from the Atlantic…“
Martina Navratilova speaks out on gender separation again

Online magazine Atlantic recently published an article on gender separation in sports. The story was titled ‘ ‘Separating Sports by Sex doesn’t make sense.’ The article touched up on the topic that gender separation in sports was outdated and needs to change, the sotyr clearly did not please Martina Navratilova.
Coach and author Steve Magness also took to Twitter to share his thoughts. He said, “I don’t understand how people can make the claims in this article. Whether we like it or not, there are performance differences between men & women. If we eliminated sex-based sport, there would be zero women in elite sport. That would be a travesty.”
Navratilova replied to him by saying, “This article is just pure nonsense- I am really surprised the Atlantic would publish such drivel.”
Navratilova has often been vocal about many social issues, a few years ago she also spoke up about the murder of George Floyd and showed support for the black lives matter movement. The tennis legend has also been quite open about gender differences in sport and the issues that follow it.