Top 5 best Enchantments for Swords in Minecraft!

The Top 10 best Enchantments for Swords in Minecraft!
Swords in Minecraft are an essential weapon for the players to have and are one of the most popular as well. In this article we take a look at the top 5 best Enchantments for Swords in Minecraft.
Swords in Minecraft are one of the best melee weapons in the game. It has high attack speed and moderate damage which serves as a great starter weapon in the game. They are also easy to make and players can further enhance it through Enchantments.
Down below are the top 5 best Enchantments for Swords in Minecraft.
Top 5 best Enchantments for Swords in Minecraft

Swords can be enchanted with a wide variety of enchantments and some may increase the damage, while others might increase the durability. But some are better than the others for everyday use.
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Sharpness V

This is one of the best Enchantments for Swords in Minecraft and it mainly increases Melee damage. In Java edition it increase damage by 0.5 extra damage and in Bedrock it increases extra damage by 1.25.
Sweeping Edge III
Sweeping Edge is an Enchantment that is only available in the Java version and it increases damage dealt to mobs by a sweeping hit by almost 75% at level III. In Java version, Sweeping Edge and Sharpness can be combined to deal huge damage.
Unbreaking III

Unbreaking is a widely used Enchantment for a variety of weapons, tools and even armors. This Enchantment is useful due to its defensive properties. This Enchantment gives the item a chance to suffer no durability loss upon use. This effect is increased by each level of Unbreaking.
Mending I

Mending is one of the most sought after Enchantments in the game as it prevents durability loss permanently. mending Enchantments consumes EXP orbs from killing mobs and uses them to mend the items durability. This doesn’t consume all the EXP so players do not need to worry.
Smite V

Smite is a very useful enchantment for swords, but only against the undead mobs in Minecraft. This Enchantment deals extra damage against, skeletons, zombified piglins, skeleton horses, zombie horses, husks, phantoms, etc.
These are all the best Enchantments for Swords in Minecraft that the players can have using an Anvil or Enchantment Table.
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