Top 5 Best Guns in Free Fire MAX suitable for Long-Range fights

Top 5 Best Guns in Free Fire MAX suitable for Long-Range fights

Free Fire, a popular BR game that boasts a huge arsenal of weapons in the game. Here are the best Guns in Free Fire MAX suitable for long-range fights.

For users to enjoy the game, Free Fire allows for limitless modifications and customizations. Over the last two years, Free Fire’s popularity and profits have skyrocketed. To keep the game exciting and fresh, the creators will introduce new events on a regular basis. As a result, players will never become bored with the game. Players will have a lot of options in choosing a weapon, but choosing the best weapon can be crucial while playing a game. This article will focus on listing the best ones among a huge load of guns and will ease your search process.

Top 5 best guns in Free Fire MAX for Long-Range


best guns in free fire

At number five, we have the AUG assault rifle. The finest feature of this weapon is that it comes with a 2x scope already mounted. This scope is large enough for you to take down adversaries who are far away from you, and even in long-range if you execute well. This weapon is excellent at obtaining drag-headshots, allowing you to quickly take out adversaries who are making passes in the wide field.

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free fire best guns

We placed VSS at number four, and VSS is a weapon that you must not overlook. Even if the opponent hides behind a cover while you shot with this gun, he receives damage. We’re not sure if this is a bug or not, but your bullets will continue to inflict damage long after the opponent flees into cover. VSS is one of the most popular firearms in the game, and it’s great for getting simple headshots. Furthermore, the rifle comes with a 4X scope, which is the finest feature of this weapon.

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best guns in free fire
Image via Fire Eyes Gaming YT

We have two weapons on the third slot due to their similarities. Both weapons have certain characteristics in common, and their stats are comparable. Both the M249 and the M60 feature high fire rates and bullets that do not fail to stop. Furthermore, unlike conventional firearms, these guns will not require any type of attachment to stabilise them. This is why these firearms are certain to earn a position on this list; it’s as simple as pick and shoot! The only thing you require is scope. Equip a decent scope and engage in combat with opponents that are far away. Furthermore, these firearms provide a good number of drag-headshots, which aids you in taking down long-range adversaries.

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best guns in free fire max

The most lethal weapon, the M82B, takes the top second place. Only a few bullets are required to eliminate the enemy from the room, and you can even target those who are hidden behind gloo walls. As a result, the gun is no longer available in the game. Who would want to miss out on a weapon that can attack adversaries hidden behind gloo walls? Because of its potent abilities, most professional players utilise this firearm in tournaments. You can choose AWM instead as you have no other choice since this gun is removed.

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best guns in free fire max

Both of these guns are quite effective at long range. These firearms are extremely strong due to their high damage rating. With just a handful of bullets, you can quickly take out the opponents. Whether you strike body shots or headshots, the shots will cause a lot of damage. These weapons, like the VSS, will include a built-in 4X scope. When it comes to SKS, it has somewhat better accuracy than the SVD. SKS would become a more potent weapon in the game if you use a foregrip and stock. These are the best guns according to Fireeyes Gaming on YouTube.

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