Top 5 items needed for Brewing in Minecraft!

Brewing in Minecraft in a beautiful 3D Blender (image via. Reddit u/AdultsOnlyMinecraft)
Minecraft has many aspects that gives the game a diverse spectrum of experiences such as survival, adventures and crafting. Brewing in Minecraft is also an activity that can be done by the player and results in them making Potions!
Potions are magically liquids imbued with properties and special effects that can either positively or negatively effect the entity it is used upon. It can also give special effects like invisibility, reduced fall damage and much more. These are crafted by the players by hand, and can also be found naturally in Chests around the world, Villages, Igloos, End City, Bastion Remnants and many more places.
Players need some basic items to start crafting the Potions and here is a list of the most important things!
5 items needed for Brewing in Minecraft
Brewing Stand

The top-most priority for the players is to craft or find a Brewing stand before starting off with Brewing in Minecraft. The Brewing Stand is the item that allows the players to craft potions and without it, players cannot even attempt to make them.
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A Brewing Stand may spawn naturally in Village Churches and Igloos. Players can break them with a Pickaxe and then carry it around to their base. To make a Brewing Stand read here. Apart from making potions, they serve as a Cleric’s job-site block.
Glass Bottle

The Glass Bottle is also a very important part of Brewing as it acts as the potion holder. There is no other block that can be made to hold potions inside a Brewing stand. Glass Bottles can be made by the players and then filled with water to make a Water Bottle.
This is then mixed with a variety of items to craft Base and Complex potions in the game.
Blaze Powder

The third most important item is the fuel needed to make a Potion. The Blaze Powder is a processed item that is dropped by the Blaze mob in Nether Fortresses. This is consumed and acts as the fuel while Brewing any kind of Potion in the game.
Blaze Rods found from the Blazes can be turned into the Powder form by putting it in a Crafting Table.
Water Source
A good water source is also need to start making potions because Potions are well, liquid. This can be directly taken from water bodies like lakes, rivers and oceans or from water buckets or Cauldrons filled with water. Players can take an empty Glass Bottle and click on any water source to fill it up.
Raw Materials

The last and final piece of the puzzle is of course the raw materials. The Potions in Minecraft have variety of effects and are made from a variety of items that are found in the world of the game. Some of them are: Ghast Tears, Redstone Dust, Spider Eyes, Fermented Spider Eye, Sugar, etc. These need to be combined with the Water Bottle in the Brewing Stand to make a Potion!
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