Valorant Viper Lineups Bind Map: 4 Molly Lineups for Post Plant and Retake

Riot Games went all out with Valorant, its first competitive FPS game. The company has successfully endeavored. The game features a classic search-and-destroy mode where players have to defuse or plant the ‘Spike’ depending on the side they are playing on. Valorant has built up a sizable player base due to its unique mechanics, which are second to none in the video game industry. The game’s unique playable characters called Agents, lashed with abilities in their arsenal, make the game more than just a tactical shooter. Some of these Agents are essential for either offensive or defensive objective plays. Viper is one such agent.
Viper, a.k.a Valorant’s toxic agent, is the best agent for post-plant plays. However, that doesn’t undermine her ability towards defensive plays too. Viper is such an agent who can totally play off-site after the objective Spike has been planted. Moreover, her abilities: Toxic Screen [E] & Poison Cloud [Q], can block the enemy’s vision, whether it’s on offense or defense. And the decay effect associated when coming in contact with these abilities, which decreases the total HP of enemies for a set amount of time, makes Viper a terrifying agent.
Viper lineups are one of the most effective starts that Valorant players utilize to get the most wins. Although these lineups are sometimes risky and can be hard to pull off, they are really effective. Devs at Riot Games have really put a lot of time into the game physics, which utilizes these lineups effectively. Furthermore, this just adds up to the game’s unique characteristics overall.
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Valorant Viper Lineups in Bind Map
Valorant added Viper, a controller agent, on June 2, 2020. She was one of the first Controllers available to play since the Closed Beta. Her toxic abilities allow her to control the battlefield as a powerful agent. She can block vision using her smokes, damage enemies with her poison orb, and create a large area of toxic gas with her ultimate. Any team can benefit from Viper’s valuable asset as she can exert a major force on both offense and defense.
Furthermore, this article will show players how to best utilize her abilities on the map, Bind. This map is highly compatible with Viper, and players have created numerous lineups for both bomb sites on both sides of this map.
Site A: Attacker Side

Site A on the attackers’ side can be really tricky to capture. However, with Viper, it’s made relatively easy. Not only can the Toxic Screen [E] block off enemy vision and corners for an easy push with flashes and other team utils. There are a few ways players can utilize Viper lineups on Bind for effective & strategic plays.
Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for A site ‘Haven’
![Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for A site 'Haven' on Bind](
- Go inside Site A ‘Showers/Bath’ Area.
- Aim through the hole in the roof until you can spot the red light.
- Place your crosshair on the Red light visible.
- Equip your Poison Cloud [Q].
- Use the Left Click to throw.
- Note: It doesn’t matter where you position yourself if you can spot the red light. The Orb will always land on point (image attached below for reference).
![Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for A site 'Haven' on Bind](
This Orb placement is really good for a Bath or A Short push. It can block the Vision of anyone peaking through this angle, either with a rifle or a sniper.
Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Short Default Plant
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Short Default Plant on Bind](
- Note: This line is purely for post-plant and can be risky in a 1v1 fight, so proceed with caution for this lineup.
- Go to this corner near A Short.
- Aim toward the Sky
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Short Default Plant on Bind](
- Place your crosshair on the corner of this triangular patch of the big leaf.
- Equip your Snake Bite [C].
- Use the Left Click to throw.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Short Default Plant on Bind](
This is a really good lineup that can hold off defuse and can win players the round without being on-site. Although it’s a risky maneuver, it’s rewarding if executed properly.
Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Bath/Showers Default Plant
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Bath/Showers Default Plant on Bind](
- Go to this corner on A Short, and jump on the barrel.
- Aim toward the sky.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Bath/Showers Default Plant on Bind](
- Make sure the top left edge of the Mouse Button instruction touches the shadow on the wall.
- Equip your Snake Bite [C].
- Use the Left Click to throw.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Bath/Showers Default Plant on Bind](
Site A: Defensive Side

Viper can be very effective on the defensive side, too, with her one-way smokes. Here are how to utilize her Poison Cloud [Q] to create some one way or entry blocks so enemies shudder with fear. These lineups can make players think twice before getting inside the bomb site.
Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Shower/Bath Smoke
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Shower/Bath Smoke on Bind](
- Go to this corner in A site before the prep phase ends.
- Aim towards the Showers/Bath door.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Shower/Bath Smoke on Bind](
- Count these lines you can see in the image.
- Place your crosshair at the 6th line.
- Equip your Poison Cloud [Q].
- Use the Left Click to throw.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Shower/Bath Smoke on Bind](
This is a really good one-way smoke for the defending side. This Viper lineup smoke can help players on the defending side to see the enemy’s legs. This also blocks the enemy’s vision, and they’ll get fragged out before they spot any opponent. The other smoke which works similarly is the A Short smoke.
Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Short Smoke
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Short Smoke](
- Before the Prep phase ends, make your way into this corner.
- Aim at the top wall of the teleporter.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Short Smoke](
- Place your crosshair as shown in the image.
- Equip your Poison Cloud [Q].
- Use the Left Click to throw.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for A Short Smoke](
Site B: Attacker Side

Bomb Site B is figuratively harder to capture than A site unless all smokes are on point. Viper can be a valuable asset to the team in such cases. Her Toxic Screen [E], when done at the right angle, can block off enemy vision completely. Use the mini-map and make sure the screen line is as per your criteria.
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Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for Site B Default Plant
There are two lineups setups for this plant, one which is done close to the site, right by the B site teleporter. This lineup can be done in a 1v1 situation too, as staying close to the site, players would know when the enemy is starting to defuse the spike. The other lineup is from A short. That lineup can be a bit risky in a 1v1. This is because not having a teammate near the bomb site, players wouldn’t know when the spike is being defused. So we advice players to opt for the second lineup only when they have teammates alive.
First Line Up: Site B Teleporter
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for Site B Default Plant Teleporter](
- Go to the B site teleporter left corner.
- Aim toward the sky.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for Site B Default Plant Teleporter](
- Make sure your Agent model’s thumb when equipped with the Snake Bite [C] is almost touching this corner in the image.
- Use the Left Click to throw.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for Site B Default Plant Teleporter](
Second Lineup: A Short
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for Site B Default Plant A Short](
- Go to the A Short.
- Aim toward the sky.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for Site B Default Plant A Short](
- Place your crosshair a bit right to this ledge in the image.
- Equip your Snake Bite [C].
- Jump and Left Click click to throw. (Make sure you left click right after your jump, mid-air.)
![Valorant Viper Lineup Snake Bite [C] for Site B Default Plant A Short](
Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for Left side generator Site B
This smoke lineup helps blocking the enemy vision from CT and the Gen side, so players can execute control of the site from Hookah easily.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for Site B Gen Smoke](
- Go to the B teleporter left side corner.
- AIm toward the sky.
- Spot the ladder on the rooftops of the left building, near the green foilage.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for Site B Gen Smoke](
- Equip your Poison Cloud [Q].
- Spot the diamond shape on the ‘right click throw’ option of the ability.
- Place the diamond shape at the right edge of the ladder.
- Use left click to throw.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for Site B Gen Smoke](
Site B: Defensive Side
Defense for Site B is easier than site A. The only problem can be B Long peaks. But with a Viper on your team, players can hold Long and frag out enemies easily. The long One way smoke really saves the round for every Viper player.
Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for B Long One-way Smoke
![Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for B Long One-way Smoke](
- Go to this plank on B side.
- Aim towards the B long to B Site entry gate.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for B Long One-way Smoke](
- Align your crosshair towards the right where the wooden frame and wall meets (as per the image).
- Equip your Poison Cloud [Q].
- Use Right click to throw.
![Valorant Viper Lineup Poison Cloud [Q] for B Long One-way Smoke](
These lineups are what Makes Viper a formidable opponent in Valorant. Players can utilize these lineups for a strategic play and deny their opponents victory. These lineups can sometimes be hard to pull off, so we advice players to practice them in custom games.
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