Former WWE Superstar reveals Heated Backstage Altercation between Ric Flair and Mick Foley

Ric Flair is one of the most influential figures in the pro-wrestling industry. The 16-time world champion is known for his unmatched charisma and in-ring accomplishments. However, The Nature Boy has had his own issues with many superstars during the course of his career.
There was a considerable amount of heat between him and WWE legend and Hall of Famer Mick Foley. Former WWE star Angelina Love has now revealed an infamous backstage confrontation between the two legends which occurred on an episode of Monday Night RAW in 2004.
Angelina Love reveals that Ric Flair punched Mick Foley during a backstage altercation

Mick Foley had walked to Ric Flair to get an autograph on his book so that it could be auctioned off for the charity. Flair offered to shake his hand but Foley refused and asked if he wanted to sign the book or not.
On hearing this Flair and got up and straightaway punched Foley in the face. Describing the incident on Rene Dupree’s Cafe de Rene podcast Love said- “Me and Shane Helms and Flair were all sitting together at the table beside each other,” Love said.
“Foley comes in with Flair’s book and I guess they had major [heat], hated each other. He [Foley] had his book, and he was just like, ‘Hey, I just bought your book. I’m a big fan of yours. Can you autograph it for me?’ and Flair just stood up and it was just like [screams] right across the table.”
The heat between them had emerged apparently due to the demeaning comments that they wrote about each other in their respective books. While Foley had criticized Ric Flair’s WCW booking, the 16-time world champion had called Foley a “glorified stuntman”.
Well, both superstars have moved on a long way since then and now are great friends. Both have worked great matches against each other in both WWE and TNA which involved some hardcore action as well.
Both were last spotted together at Flair’s last match that took place in August. The two often laugh about their heat now when they discuss and have surely become great friends with each other.