“He is literally a man-child!”- Hasanabi shares his thoughts about xQc amidst ongoing gambling drama

HasanAbi and xQc's recent drama kicked off after Hasan called out xQc's Sh*tCamp absence
Twitch streamers HasanAbi and xQc have been butting heads recently due to opposing viewpoints on a lot of things, with drama festering between the duo ever since xQc announced his absence from QTCinderella’s Sh*tCamp.
The latest chapter of this feud came to be after HasanAbi shared his thoughts about xQc amidst the ingoing gambling drama. The political streamer didn’t mince any words while describing xQc’s behaviour, calling him a “spoilt little kid” due to his recent antics.
Read More: “It’s extremely pervasive”: Asmongold believes Twitch will not ban gambling, here’s why
HasanAbi called a “snake” by xQc in call with Mizkif and Sliker

Tracing things back to the origin, all this stemmed from the revelation that the British Twitch streamer ItsSliker had borrowed and gambled over $200,000 over the past two years. xQc had announced that he would be partnering with Ludwig in order to repay the people from whom Sliker had borrowed all the money.
During his September 19 stream, HasanAbi was reacting to all the drama involving Sliker when he came across this tweet. When his audience asked him to reconsider bringing more eyes to this situation, he justified his actions claiming he wasn’t “drama-farming” as many would claim online, rather he felt this moment could teach the Twitch audience, giving them a “very real-life example of a f***ing gambling addict”.
During the stream, Hasan went on to join a call between Mizkif and Sliker to talk to Sliker, and advise him on how to proceed. Moments after he joined, xQc also joined in and called Hasan a “snake in the grass”. Hasan chose to ignore him and focussed on the issue at hand. Following the call, a chatter on Hasan’s stream pointed out how xQc was bringing up their old drama to shift focus from Sliker’s antics, to which he responded-
"xQc is a f***ing child! Even though he is 27 years old, he is literally a man-child. A baby. Okay? He behaves like a f***ing spoiled little kid because he is a spoiled little kid."
Also Read: “Public pressure is necessary”: Pokimane wants Twitch to ban gambling, HasanAbi joins in to support
Hasan expressed anger at xQc’s behaviour during this serious situation, as he wanted this moment to hammer in the dangerous impacts the promotion of gambling on any platform can have, something xQc has been accused of before as well.
Later on in HasanAbi’s stream, Ludwig also chimed in with his thoughts on xQc, typing in Hasan’s chat-
"xQc creates vertical relationships, and believes his value is based off his viewership and in return treats people like cogs to increase or decrease that value, which makes genuine friendships and communication impossible."
HasanAbi agreed with Ludwig’s sentiment, adding that he also initially felt that xQc was misunderstood by many, but when he saw him collaborating with others and the way he treated others, Hasanabi called him out for it, resulting in the two falling out.