“Would have won a championship” Rockets legend whose won more championships than Michael Jordan threw shade at him

Michael Jordan is still praised for his work with the NBA and who good he was at every aspect. He was an extremely dominant player who never allowed anybody a single second to be better than him on the court. Jordan often played mind games and taunted his opponents in such a way that they would give up at times.

Your Airness thrived during the 90s with the Chicago Bulls. Besides winning multiple championships, he was a scoring leader on many different occasions and won five MVP awards along the way. He along with Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman are still know as arguably the greatest team of all time.
Michael Jordan retires after Bulls first three-peat

Michael Jordan was indeed a god-like player but his name never stayed away from controversies. He achieved the first ever three-peat for the Bulls in 1993 before calling an early end to his career. One of the reasons for his decision was because of the death of his father James Jordan.
Mike claimed that he had lost the desire to play basketball after finding out of his father’s murder. Even though he retired from basketball, his decision was not to get away from sports entirely. He joined the White Sox, a major league baseball team. Growing up, he and his father were keen followers of the sport and Jordan initially began his sports journey with baseball.
Former 7x time champion claims Michael Jordan would not have won another title if he had not retired

After Michael Jordan has retired in 1993, the Houston Rockets won back to back titles. MJ’s drafted buddy and No.1 overall pick Hakeem Olajuwon led the team and blossomed into a very dominant force. But this remains as one of the biggest what ifs of the league. What if MJ had not retired?
Former 7x champion Robert Horry claims that it would not have made a difference. This remark may have been stated with the notion of the league evolving to defeat Jordan. But after MJ decided to return and the Bulls acquired Rodman, they repeated their three-peat once again.
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