Top 10 Best Characters in Free Fire along with their abilities in 2021

Top 10 Best Characters in Free Fire along with their abilities in 2021

character combinations

What are the best characters in Free Fire? It might be a difficult question to answer but we are here to help you. This article will share with you the best characters in Free Fire. These best character will assist you o the battlefield with their unique abilities.

Free Fire has a plethora of characters that players can use to play the game effectively. There are a total of 39 characters in Free Fire as of now. Each character possesses a unique ability and skill type which makes them different from each other.

The players try to push their ranks each season and aim for the highest rank possible. These best characters in Free Fire can be used to push rank or play the game effectively.

Note: The characters are listed on this page are not based on ranking and are solely depends on the author’s own views. However, deciding a character to use is an individual choice.

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Read More: How To Overplay Awaken Andrew In Free Fire: Here Are Some Tips

The best characters in Free Fire to use in 2021

DJ Alok – Drop the Beat

best character in free fire
DJ Alok character

DJ Alok is the most coveted character in Free Fire and players are still crazy for this character in India. Known for his popular ability, Drop the Beat which heals the player with 5 HP for 5 seconds along with improving the movement speed of teammates and the player. This is one of the best healing abilities in Free Fire and is the best character in Free Fire. Best for rush gameplay.

DJ Alok can be bought for 599 diamonds via in-game shop.

K – Master of All

best character in free fire
K Character

K is another male character in Free Fire who posses the most unique ability named Master of all. The ability functions in two modes – JiuJitsu mode and Psychology mode. When active in JiuJitsu mode, his ability increases EP conversion rate by 500% for himself and the teammates. When witched to Psychology mode (which can be levelled up), recovers 2 EP for 2 seconds (at level 6). The cooldown time is the only drawback during the time of witching modes otherwise this character can overtake Alok in terms of healing abilities.

K can be bought for 599 diamonds via in-game shop.

Skyler – Riptide Rythm

best character in free fire
Skyler in Free fire

Skyler in Free Fire is a character that is released in collaboration with Vietnamese music artist, Son Tung M-TP. Riptide Rhythm is Skyler’s active ability. The ability can destroy gloo walls within a certain radius and gain HP when they deploy gloo walls.

Skyler can be bought for 499 diamonds via in-game shop.

Chrono – Time Traveller

best characters in free fire
Chrono character

Chrono is a popular character based on Football player CR7. Time Turner is an active ability possessed by Chrono. The power of the character is so effective that it can generate a force that prevents enemies from dealing anywhere close to 600 damage. Additionally, one can also shoot at enemies from within the force shield. 

Chrono can be bought for 599 diamonds via in-game shop.

Shirou – Damage Delivered

best character in free fire
shirou in free fire

According to Shirou’s in-game description, he is the fastest delivery guy around. Likewise, his ability is named “Damage Delivered.” Shirou’s ability will mark the opponent who hits the player with 80m for 6 seconds also when counter-attacked the damage dealt with the first hit will be boosted by 50%. It is a passive skill type and can be combined with previously mentioned active abilities.

Shirou can be bought for 499 diamonds via in-game shop.

Wukong – Camouflage

best character in free fire
Wukong character

Wukong’s “Camouflage Ability,” has received a significant buff in the OB27 update. It can transform the players into a bush for 10 seconds and has a cooldown of 250 seconds at the base level. With each kill, the cooldown duration will reset.

Wukong can be bought for 499 diamonds via in-game shop.

Steffie – Painted Refuge

best characters in free fire
Steffie- one of the best characters in Free Fire

Steffie is a female character in Free Fire who possesses Painted Refuge and it is an active skill type. This ability assists players decrease damage caused by the enemy’s bullets and explosive damage up to a good extent. Steffie is a great character for both passive as well as aggressive characters.

Steffie can be bought for 499 diamonds via in-game shop.

Hayato – Bushido

best character in free fire
Hayato in Free fire

Hayato is one of the most used characters in Free Fire. Before Alok, Hayato dominated over other characters in terms of skills. He has a passive skill called ‘Bushido’. It increases armour penetration by 7.5% with every 10% decrease in maximum HP at the base level. The ability enhances with the increase in the level. However at the max level, armour penetration increase by 10% with a 10% decrease in maximum HP.

Hayato can be bought for 499 diamonds/8000 gold coins via in-game shop.

ALSO READ: Top 10 best Gloo wall Skins in Free Fire in 2021

Xayne – Xtreme Encounter

best character in Free Fire
one of the best ability in Free Fire – Xtreme encounter

Xayne possesses an active skill type ability named Xtreme Encounter.

At its base level (level 1), this ability temporarily provides 80 HP to the player. It also offers 40% increased damage to gloo walls and shields. At its maximum level (level 6), Xtreme Encounter increases damage to gloo walls and shields by 100% with a CD of 100 seconds. Her skill can help the aggressive players to have extra hp in the final fights. Allowing them to rely less on the usage of medkits.

Xayne can be bought for 499 diamonds via in-game shop.

Dasha – Partying On

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The ability of Dasha provides 4 of the rarest buffs in Free Fire: fall damage reduction, fall recovery, weapon recoil reduction and recoil buildup.

  • Damage taken from falls reduced by 30% (50% when maxed out)
  • Recovery time from falls reduced by 60% (80% when maxed out)
  • Recoil Buildup rate reduced by 6% (10% when maxed out)
  • Maximum Recoil reduced by 6% (10% maxed out)

Dasha can be bought for 499 diamonds via in-game shop.

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