“You confuse our kids” – MMA World champ backs $200 million worth businessman against scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson’s ‘XX/XY chromosomes are insufficient argument

Former UFC fighter attacks scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson for his opinions regarding the growth of transgenderism.

“You confuse our kids” – MMA World champ backs $200 million worth businessman against scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson’s ‘XX/XY chromosomes are insufficient argument

Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Pride Parade (via: Spokesman/ Forbes)

Famous MMA fighter Jake Shields has made controversial remarks in the past. But his latest comments on a well-known scientist’s observations have caused further controversy among transgender activists.

Jake Shields has caught a lot of heat from the public on multiple occasions. His comments against Greta Thunberg rendered him as someone who is misogynistic and derogatory. Shields had already infuriated the LGBTQ community earlier this year after expressing his intense hatred toward adults allowing their kids to learn and participate in gender transitions.

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Jake somehow managed to offend the community once again in the same year after he criticized famous scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson. The issue began when well-known millionaire Patrick David tweeted his opinions against the scientist’s views on transgender individuals, “You confuse our kids.” MMA fighter Jake Shields supported the businessman and retweeted, “This is what happens when you hire based on diversity instead of qualifications.”

Many of the public usually love Neil DeGrasse Tyson due to his ability to explain science passionately. Therefore, Jake Shields’ comment on the scientist might reward him with plenty of backlash.

Related: WWE veteran asks a controversial question about transgender people

Jake Shields has also commented on the black community in the USA

Jake Shields
Jake Shields (via: bjpenn.com)

The former welterweight went on to offend the black community on Twitter yesterday. A Twitter account named Caleb Fleshner tweeted, “I want to live on a farm,” is code for “I want to get away from black people.” The premise for such an opinion was that most farmers in the US are not from the black community. This is where Jake Shields got involved in supporting such a statement.

Jake Shields tweeted, “At first, it sounds ridiculous, but do you know any black people with a farm?” This caused a lot of commotion on the social media handle, where ordinary people attacked the fighter for propagating such beliefs.

But Jake Shields substantiated his initial stance and tweeted, “The comments are full of people saying there are lots of black farmers, so I looked it up, and it’s 1%. Much higher than I anticipated but still an extremely small percentage.”

In case you missed it: