“Like everybody else,” Triple H’s best friend gives candid take on CM Punk’s SHOCKING return to WWE

The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels couldn't stop himself from praising CM Punk after his mega return at Survivor Series.

“Like everybody else,” Triple H’s best friend gives candid take on CM Punk’s SHOCKING return to WWE

Shawn Michaels, Triple H and CM Punk (via WWE)

The Best in the World CM Punk shocked the world when he returned to WWE at the Survivor Series. He has been the talk of the town ever since. After many veterans in WWE shared their views on CM Punk’s return, Triple H’s best friend Shawn Michaels gave his opinion on the trending topic.

Speaking on the Cheap Heat Podcast, Shawn Michaels presented his open perspective about the return of the Second City Saint. He divulged that his first reaction was thrilling as he praised Punk, implicitly calling him dependable and good at his job. Moreover, the Showstopper expressed his happiness for the WWE Universe and the company.

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Like everybody else; happy, thrilled, Holy Cow. I got asked a couple months ago, 'if you had a chance to use him, would you?' Yeah, who wouldn't? I understand business. - I'm dependable and I'm good at my job. If you are that, there is always an opportunity here if you want one. I'm happy for him, I'm happy for the company. I'm happy for the WWE fanbase.
Shawn Michaels on CM Punk’s return

Moreover, The Heartbreak Kid laid out an example of himself, as he stated that he wasn’t always the most popular guy around people. However, he was fabulous at his job. Therefore, Shawn feels it might also work for the Straight Edge Superstar CM Punk in his latest run in WWE.

CM Punk has been the buzz on the internet for almost a week now. His return to WWE still feels surreal to many members of the WWE Universe. It is turning out to be engrossing to see the future of the Best in the World. He appeared in this week’s Raw to present a bold promo, which will surely have some implications in the future.

CM Punk’s long-time friend supports him against the haters after his return

CM Punk signed a multi-year deal with WWE after his return at the Survivor Series. Ever since his return, he has been receiving backlash from some fans on the internet. Recently, his long-time friend Domino Cliff Compton backed his friend, calling him one of the kindest and most generous people he knew.

CM Punk
CM Punk (via X)

Domino posted a picture of himself with CM Punk and his wife, AJ Lee, with a heartfelt caption. He revealed that for the past couple of days, he has been receiving hateful comments about Punk’s return. He praised the Second City Saint, mentioning the fact that he has been receiving negativity for a decade.

Over the last several days I’ve received countless hate messages about my story posts. The majority of them involved the colossal success of the WWE return of CM Punk. For over a decade I watched my best friend get slandered non stop. Phil is one of the kindest and generous people I know.
Domino Cliff Compton on CM Punk

CM Punk has claimed that he has changed. He had a good time with the fans after Raw went off-air, supporting his claims. The Voice of the Voiceless has been surrounded by controversy for a long time. Therefore, WWE mentioned a behavior clause in his recent contract. It is going to be interesting to see where the future of CM Punk will be headed in the latest chapter of his career.

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