Valorant Patch 6.11: Phantom and Vandal set to receive massive nerf along with some agent changes and more

This patch will have Agents changes along with maps reworks and weapon changes, too!

Valorant Patch 6.11: Phantom and Vandal set to receive massive nerf along with some agent changes and more

Riot Games went all out with its first FPS competitive game, Valorant. And it’s been a successful endeavor for the company. Valorant has made its name a prominent one in the eSports industry since its release three years ago. In the recent Valorant Dev Diaries, a series of videos where Riot Games developers share insights into the development of their games, developers have revealed quite a lot regarding the game’s future in the new episode. Although the upcoming midseason patch, Patch 6.11, would introduce some game-breaking balance changes like reduced ammo reserves for two of its main guns, Phantom & Vandal,

The game has loads of unique features, from animated cosmetics to unique gameplay and characters, which keeps the hype up. And with constant updates and patches, the game has no scope of dying any time soon. The player base loves the constant support Valorant receives from the developers. Although, the player base doesn’t appreciate every patchwork. The constant agents’ nerfs have plagued players for quite a while now. However, the developers are about to butcher some of the community’s favorite guns in the upcoming Patch 6.11.

YouTube video

Patch 6.11 will go live on 9th June. Players can expect to see a massive change in the game’s meta following the release of this patch. The Game Devs at Riot Games have put in quite a lot of changes in this upcoming patch— From Map rework to agents’ balancing and changes to the existing weapons in the game. The community has mixed reactions to these changes.

This patch would massively buff the Chamber, but it would also nerf Viper. There are other Map reword, Agent, and Weapon changes that we have covered before in our article: Valorant PBE 6.11 Patch.

Related: Top 5 Battle Pass melee skin in Valorant

Valorant Patch 6.11: Weapon Changes, Agents Balancing, and more

Valorant Patch 6.11
Valorant Patch 6.11 (credits: Riot Games)

The upcoming Patch 6.11 will go live on June 9 in Valorant. This patch brings quite a lot of changes with it. The highlights of the changes that this patch brings with it are:

  • Agents Changes: The agents that will get balance changes are: Chamber, Viper & Breach.
  • Map re-work: Pearl is getting a second rework and would have quite a few changes on the map structures.
  • Weapon Changes: The weapons that will get balance changes are: Shorty, Frenzy, and the community favorite, Phantom & Vandal.
  • Other Miscellaneous Changes: Certain changes to the in-game mechanics.

Agents Changes:

Valorant Patch 6.11: Chamber buff & Viper nerf
(credits: Riot Games)


  • Rolling Thunder (X)
    • Warning visuals have been updated to provide a clearer edge to the ultimate’s area of effect. This should make it easier to understand when you will and will not be hit by the ultimate.


After the last round of changes in Patch 5.12, the overall pick rate for Chamber has decreased. The current pick rate of Chamber is at 5%, a massive decrease from the 9% pick rate. Patch 6.11 would finally give the agents some long-awaited buffs.

  • Rendezvous (E)
    • Reduced weapon equip time after post-teleport lockout 0.7s >>> 0s
  • Trademark (C)
    • Disable range 4000 >>> 5000
    • Trap arm speed 4s >>> 2s
  • Tour De Force (X)
    • The firing rate has been increased by 15%


Viper is receiving yet another Nerf in this update. The major change is to the agent’s Toxic Fuel bar.

  • Fuel Regeneration
    • Reduced regeneration per second 5% >> 3.3%
      • Regenerate to max fuel once empty 20s >>> 30s

Map Changes:

Valorant Pearl upcoming rework Patch 6.11 1 1024x288 1

Pearl is getting a second re-word in the upcoming Patch 6.11. This re-word would be more focused on bombsite B and would make the site more defender oriented.

Weapons Changes:

Valorant Patch 6.11: Phantom and Vandal set to receive massive nerf along with some agent changes and more

The upcoming patch is Going to butcher the weapon mechanics of Valorant. Every gun that is getting a balancing change is being nerfed.

Weapon Accuracy on Ascenders / Ziplines (Ropes):

  • Ascender min spread on ropes increased to 65% of the walking spread
    • Rifles from .8 >>> 1.3
    • Classic from .35 >>> .55
    • Frenzy from .35 >>> .52
    • Ghost from .35 >>> .6
    • Sheriff from .35 >>> .78
    • SMGs from .3 >>> .65
    • Snipers & Shotguns unchanged
  • The walking and running spread on ropes increased to match the walking and running spread on the ground.


  • Reserve ammo adjusted from 10 >>> 6
  • The price was adjusted from $150 >>> $300
  • Damage at no fall-off adjusted from 12 >>> 11
  • Damage at first step fall-off (7 meters) adjusted from 8 >>> 6


  • Min spread increased from 45 to 65.
  • Spread curve adjusted
    • The maximum spread reached in 5 bullets instead of 6
  • Recoil pitch curve adjusted
    • Maximum recoil will be reached in 5 bullets instead of 6. Total recoil is lowered to compensate.

Recoil Adjustments:

  • Vertical Recoil Multiplier While Running:
    • Phantom: 1.5 >>> 1.8
    • Spectre: 1.5 >>> 1.8
    • Vandal: 1.5 >>> 1.8
    • Frenzy: 1.25 >>> 1.5

Phantom/Vandal Ammo Reserve:

This one is by far one of the worst balance changes in the history of Valorant Patches.

  • Phantom Reserve ammo adjusted from 90 >>> 60
  • Vandal Reserve ammo adjusted from 75 >>> 50


  • When hit by Concussing abilities, Yoru’s Fakeout (C) can now be visually affected.
  • The timing of Omen’s From the Shadows (X) voiceover line will come in quicker to increase your discernibility.
  • Sova’s cape dynamics were redone and smoothed out while still maintaining a silhouette close to his body, not to give away the enemy’s position.
  • We’ve cleaned up some of the code related to the trajectory of grenade-like projectiles (such as Sova’s Shock Bolt [Q] Recon Bolt [E] and Brimstone’s Incendiary [Q]).

Gameplay Systems Updates:

  • Combat Report now shows “Allies Dazed” in addition to “Enemies Dazed” for all Concuss abilities.
  • Performance optimizations in Observer Mode when frequently switching between Agents who are using abilities.
  • Tidying up font systems. Please report any issues if there are any characters or text that are different size or style compared to previous patches before 

Bug Fixes:

Valorant Patch 6.11
(credits: Riot Games)


  • Fixed bug with Killjoy’s utility not fading back into stealth when recovering from a disabled state
  • Fixed Omen’s Shrouded Step (C) not to be interrupted if you’re Suppressed before teleporting.
  • Fixed an issue where when Sage rotated her Barrier Orb (C) 90 degrees, she was blocked from placing the wall for .8 seconds. Now, Sage can place her wall immediately after rotating it 90 degrees.

Gameplay System Updates:

  • Fixed Ability HUD overlapping in the Shooting Range when switching Agents.
  • Fixed Kill Feed being out of order when one shot kills multiple players.


  • Fixed a bug where party groups in your friend’s list would sometimes be put in the wrong section. They’ll now always appear in the online section.
  • Fixed a bug where push-to-talk wasn’t working when the Buy screen was open. Now you can talk while you shop.

Weapon Changes: Phantom & Vandal


Valorant has an arsenal of weapons in-game, from snipers to rifles, machine guns, and even sidearms. However, two rifles in the game are the community favorites: Phantom & Vandal. Both of these guns have their Xspecialties and usage. Vandal and Phantom are both powerful rifles in Valorant. The Vandal is a one-shot headshot kill at any range, while the Phantom requires two headshots to kill an enemy with full health and armor.

The Vandal also has slightly higher damage per bullet than the Phantom. However, the Phantom has a faster fire rate, a higher magazine capacity, and no bullet tracers. This makes it easier to spray through smokes and control recoil. However, the upcoming Patch 6.11 is going to butcher these guns.

The main criterion that makes a gun useful is its ammo reserve. However, Patch 6.11 would introduce a reduced ammo reserve for both guns:

  • Phantom’s Reserve Ammo cache would get decrease from 90 bullets to 60 bullets.
  • Vandal Reserve Ammo cache would get decrease from 75 bullets to 50 bullets.

This is a major game-breaking change that has the potential to change the whole game meta. The majority of weapon cosmetics revenue in Valorant comes from these two guns, so any form of Nerf to these guns may hamper the cosmetics market. Also, these guns are meant to spray or pre-fire angles, considering they are automatic guns, but having a lower ammo reserve would make players think twice before doing that. This breaks the overall tactical gun gameplay of Valorant. These new changes would bring about these potential changes to the game meta:

  • Sage’s Barrier Orb (C) ability requires a hefty amount of bullets to demolish it. A lower ammo reserve would make this ability really overpowered to overcome.
  • The usual tactic of spraying a wall bangable corner to clear out an angle would be difficult with a lower ammo reserve.
  • Pre Firing or spraying at peak angles to catch an enemy off-guard would be difficult with a lower ammo reserve.
  • Because Phantom has a high rate of fire compared to Vandal, having a lower ammo reserve would get players to think twice before spraying down an enemy. This is totally against the specs of this gun, as it’s advised to spray this weapon instead of precise headshots since the gun’s bullet spread is minute and damage is less compared to its counterpart.

This update would overall butcher these guns. And the player base reactions are really in disarray:

Overall, this upcoming Valorant Patch 6.11 is filled with buffs and nerfs. The community is Rfurious because of the nerfs, but at the same time are celebrating the long-awaited Chmaber buffs. We’ll have to wait and see how these changes would affect the game meta as they go live.

In case you missed it: